Friday, November 20, 2009


18 Nov - Gin and I initially wanted to bake a fudge cake. Ended up we couldn't get the ingredient - FUDGE! So we just made some cookies instead. Recipe is from Gin, whom by the way made most of it. Hahaha. She's great with baking, taught me a little about it even. Hard to imagine she's just 13 years old.

Anyway, the first batch was a boo boo. And second batch was soft-baked. Which was just the way I like it. Haha.

Here are my creations!

Something for WY! A pity he can't eat it now! But I'll make for him when he comes back. There's a cookie kiss at the side too!

And..presenting... Patrick (from Spongebob) cookie! WAHAHAHAHA.

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