21 Nov - Woke up early and headed down to Alice & Weijian's wedding. Supposed to meet Cui and her friend at Bukit Panjang Plaza at 830am. Ended up the rest were late. Woke up at 7am and only reached Rasa Sentosa at 1028am. The ceremony was supposed to start at 1030am! (-_-''') Hah.
The wedding was beautiful and it was by the beach (first time attending beach wedding!). Alice and her family had everything done from scratch. Apparently, the hotel didn't provide any decoration with the package, but only a small sea-facing lawn for the ceremony. Heard that cash top ups were needed for additional decorations, which weren't too fancy either. Anyway, the wedding was really dreamy. Alice's dad even had the structure made for the ceremony. You know the one that looks like an arc with flowers? The rest of the family members helped with the tree decor, wishes area decor as well as the flowers decor all around. The hotel did provide a nice door gift - Shell necklaces. Kind of enhanced the event because everyone is now deck in a little sea-sidey accessory.
We proceeded to the ballroom for the lunch reception. Alice and Weijian's friends performed too. One couple sang a sweet love song, another did beat boxing (first time to see a person perform that in a wedding!). Amazing. It's really a blessing to have friends who would do that too. Plus, the newlywed did a really cute and creative photo montage, impressive!
Met Sports Club ppl at Ion Orchard at iCanton (first time!) for dinner. It was Cece's bday so we celebrated for her too. The food is not bad, all I can remembered was the fried carrot cake. Yummy! We discussed about the upcoming christmas celebration too. Qijia as usual, chaired the meeting. Haha. Proceeded to Qijia's new home after (first time! I've only been to the previous home). Not his matrimonial home but his parents' home. Not bad. The existing decor is really nice. It was so funny the way he tried to explain everything to us in a discovery channel way. From his newly bought flat to coffee machines. He should seriously be a real estate agent. Sure can sell lots of houses. This guy even had a miniature done up for his matrimonial home using Lego! Sweet! (first time see people do that...)
22 Nov - Woke up at 530am and started preparing myself for the Special Olympics Help-out at Bedok Reservoir (first time there!). That Sihui overslept and we got in late. Sihui's mum came along too! It was fun though. Got to know a lady called Carol who's really friendly and lovely. We were mainly at one of the water station. And in front of us was this huge reservoir and the breeze was constantly blowing! Sihui's mum decided to go for the walk around the huge reservoir (4.3km) and she hadn't come back when we packed after the event. Sihui's mum was really hard at work. The sun was seriously scorching.
Carol headed back to the main station for a leisure run with the rest of the helpers and Sihui and I headed down to the reservoir area to see if we could catch her mum's location from the fantastic paranomic view. We decided to lay down on the benches for a rest. The floorboards were kind of floating on the water, so we could literally feel us floating together. The feeling was amazing. With the water, and the blueness of the sky, it was just heaven. I will come back again with WY!
Sihui's mum came back and we headed to Tampines mall for lunch. First time had a meal with her mum and Carl's Jr too (first time this year! Wait... in 2 years. Hah). Had a nice time chatting with her. Took a cab back to the West and I headed to Ankur's home (first time!). He's my ex-colleague who is helping me with the demo tape recording. Haha.
He shares an apartment with Rajeev (also an ex-colleague and a close friend of my ex-boss). I walked into the house with my slippers. Funny. (So first time too!) Rajeev has a husky called Buck (first time meeting him!) And... this is the first time I did a recording of my voice professionally. So awkward! I had to sing in the hall with Rajeev and the other roomie (his cousin). It was weird. So basically I had this headphone where music was coming in, and I was singing to this awesome mic which looks like something from a real studio. And Ankur was there adjusting everything on his pc, sort of like synchronizing. Haha. Did 2 songs, and he's gonna do them up nicely before passing them over to me. Nice!
Met mum for quick shopping after and told her about BLP. Had a great time catching up. Next, met Sihui & Guobin for dinner at Swissotel Merchant Court for the crab buffet (finally!!! so first time)! GB just went for some chess tournament lo. That guy is really unique. PF joined us after. I had so much food! And people were really aiming for the crabs! Not even trying out the appetizers first(which had crabs too btw). There were so many different favors and I tried most of them. Recommended, but too bad this is the last day for the promo. Next time!
Anyway, I heard a really shocking news yesterday morning before the wedding. The news came from a really close friend of mine. It's shocking mainly because I wasn't expecting it. The news is a pleasant event, of which I'm really glad. I guess the shocking aspect was the way the news was delivered. This is the first time that happened and I do hope there won't be a second time. It's depressing how I can be blinded to things around, which sort of kept me thinking recently. I'm glad it happened, because I now see some blind spots which I can change into visible events.
I realised a decision of marriage is a commitment, may not the biggest issue for any individual, but, it is definitely one of the most important event in a person's life. And wedding does not equal to marriage, because marriage is a life-time journey and a wedding is a 1 or 2 day event. Marriage may end in divorce, but what keeps people from going that way, is the commitment to sustain it, in an agreeable manner sanctioned by both parties. It cannot be considered a game or a tryout, if so, the notion of dating would be meaningless. True, the future is impossible to foresee, but it is this unforeseeable future, which makes the commitment factor even more important. Marriage is a commitment to stay together no matter what happens. It is this objective that keeps a marriage going, and thus marriage is nothing but a responsibility to the person itself. So what keeps two people together? It is the ability to understand truly what commitment is. Which sadly, many do not realise that.
Destination for rants, for raves, for self, and for the people who cared about the puny one in the big big world.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No sleep days
19 Nov - Had a game of Badminton with Gin and Daji. Think I was perspiring because of the lack of air flow in the court area more than the exercising itself. Hah.
Borrowed the car from WY's family and drove Gin home after. My granny thought we were staying for lunch and went to purchase fish head for curry. So guilty. Told her I'll be back the next day.
Was raining cats and dogs when I got home. Then it started raining giant cats and dogs. The company called and said the interview will be shifted later, which was great because it's not easy to drive in the rain. And the first for today! Driving in huge downpour and being in a jam. Scary!
Interview took over 2 hours for the job of export merchandiser. I'm really crossing my fingers on this. Haha. See how it goes.
Went to the coaching observation after. To be honest, I was a little lost. Ended rather late and plus I waited for Sihui so we only went back at about 2am. Had a quick supper at Alif and headed back to Senja with Sihui. We slept in that tiny mattress and the girl is so conservative about electricity bills, we actually slept without the aircon. Oh my...
20 Nov - Slept for 3 hrs and woke up to return the car to WY's sis. Carried Skylar today and you know what... SHE DIDN'T CRY AT ALL! Amazing! But think she was getting a little heavier. Hah.
As promised, went to my granny house and had her fish head curry. Slept like a twisted pig in the tiny sofa (there was another bigger sofa which will fit my full body length but I am just too lazy...) Was feeling so disoriented. Starting drizzling again and I went home and got changed for spa!
Spa session was not too bad. I tried something slimming.. which meant it was painful! I think it works though. Haha. My tummy feels a little flatter. WAHAHA. Anyways, met Huimin for dinner at IKEA after. (I missed going to IKEA with WY so much!!!) We literally gobbled down our food because I was late, just so we could reach Henderson in time for the Leadership preview.
I was really adamant about joining the Leadership Program. I mean I was really stopping myself from joining, but I just wanted to go and affirm my decision by going to the preview, so I will not think about it once my decision is set. Somehow or rather, I got something out by going. There were some things which I didn't want to face, and I know I'm not pushing myself hard enough. There's some value in the program, but I was sort of hiding from it. Well, I was hurrying Teng Nging to swipe the credit card for the deposit payment before I changed my mind. It is natural that you will change your mind because it's freaking scary!
Well, another day of no sleep before Alice's wedding the next day!
Borrowed the car from WY's family and drove Gin home after. My granny thought we were staying for lunch and went to purchase fish head for curry. So guilty. Told her I'll be back the next day.
Was raining cats and dogs when I got home. Then it started raining giant cats and dogs. The company called and said the interview will be shifted later, which was great because it's not easy to drive in the rain. And the first for today! Driving in huge downpour and being in a jam. Scary!
Interview took over 2 hours for the job of export merchandiser. I'm really crossing my fingers on this. Haha. See how it goes.
Went to the coaching observation after. To be honest, I was a little lost. Ended rather late and plus I waited for Sihui so we only went back at about 2am. Had a quick supper at Alif and headed back to Senja with Sihui. We slept in that tiny mattress and the girl is so conservative about electricity bills, we actually slept without the aircon. Oh my...
20 Nov - Slept for 3 hrs and woke up to return the car to WY's sis. Carried Skylar today and you know what... SHE DIDN'T CRY AT ALL! Amazing! But think she was getting a little heavier. Hah.
As promised, went to my granny house and had her fish head curry. Slept like a twisted pig in the tiny sofa (there was another bigger sofa which will fit my full body length but I am just too lazy...) Was feeling so disoriented. Starting drizzling again and I went home and got changed for spa!
Spa session was not too bad. I tried something slimming.. which meant it was painful! I think it works though. Haha. My tummy feels a little flatter. WAHAHA. Anyways, met Huimin for dinner at IKEA after. (I missed going to IKEA with WY so much!!!) We literally gobbled down our food because I was late, just so we could reach Henderson in time for the Leadership preview.
I was really adamant about joining the Leadership Program. I mean I was really stopping myself from joining, but I just wanted to go and affirm my decision by going to the preview, so I will not think about it once my decision is set. Somehow or rather, I got something out by going. There were some things which I didn't want to face, and I know I'm not pushing myself hard enough. There's some value in the program, but I was sort of hiding from it. Well, I was hurrying Teng Nging to swipe the credit card for the deposit payment before I changed my mind. It is natural that you will change your mind because it's freaking scary!
Well, another day of no sleep before Alice's wedding the next day!
Friday, November 20, 2009
18 Nov - Gin and I initially wanted to bake a fudge cake. Ended up we couldn't get the ingredient - FUDGE! So we just made some cookies instead. Recipe is from Gin, whom by the way made most of it. Hahaha. She's great with baking, taught me a little about it even. Hard to imagine she's just 13 years old.
Anyway, the first batch was a boo boo. And second batch was soft-baked. Which was just the way I like it. Haha.
Here are my creations!

Something for WY! A pity he can't eat it now! But I'll make for him when he comes back. There's a cookie kiss at the side too!

And..presenting... Patrick (from Spongebob) cookie! WAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway, the first batch was a boo boo. And second batch was soft-baked. Which was just the way I like it. Haha.
Here are my creations!

Something for WY! A pity he can't eat it now! But I'll make for him when he comes back. There's a cookie kiss at the side too!

And..presenting... Patrick (from Spongebob) cookie! WAHAHAHAHA.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bored day!
17 Nov - It was a really boring day! So bored that when I saw the weather was good, I went for a run. I'm just dying to get out! This time the rain came after I got back to my granny's. Hah.
Little Kai-ian came to play today. Well, mainly bbsitting for him. He was having his lunch (a very healthy looking sandwich) and was running about at the same time. To encourage him, I told him we would go to Mac's (yes, I was very gien for the monopoly thing) if he behaved. Well, turned out (as with all kids his age), he didn't behaved. So after finally finishing his lunch, he asked for Mac's, which I declined of course.
He kept pestering me, even saying "I beg you please". I said he didn't behaved so we'll not be going. Then he started talking about second chance! I didn't relent and he asked if I could cane him. I was dumbstruck. I said why would I want to cane him, then he sort of mention if I cane him, then that's his punishment and we can go Mac's after. Double Peng! Kids...
Little Kai-ian came to play today. Well, mainly bbsitting for him. He was having his lunch (a very healthy looking sandwich) and was running about at the same time. To encourage him, I told him we would go to Mac's (yes, I was very gien for the monopoly thing) if he behaved. Well, turned out (as with all kids his age), he didn't behaved. So after finally finishing his lunch, he asked for Mac's, which I declined of course.
He kept pestering me, even saying "I beg you please". I said he didn't behaved so we'll not be going. Then he started talking about second chance! I didn't relent and he asked if I could cane him. I was dumbstruck. I said why would I want to cane him, then he sort of mention if I cane him, then that's his punishment and we can go Mac's after. Double Peng! Kids...
Monday, November 16, 2009
15 Nov - Was supposed to wake up for church, ended up I woke up late. Went lunch with my parents instead. It's this deli at Tradehub 21 called Ah Lam's. I think they were the original seller of Ah Lam noodles. Food is not bad. Had their abalone soup. The toufu is highly recommended as well. Goes well with rice.
Went my granny's place after and had to rush over to WY's place cos BB Skylar was going to have her hair cut and her hair made into a caligraphy brush! Hmm.. seems like it's quite a popular practice amongst new babies recently. Anyway, the barber came early and when I got there the process was done. So I ended up going back to my granny's place. Had a nice long hilarious chat with my aunts and uncle. Uncle Raymond was nice enough to edit all the pictures he took at the wedding. Haha. So nice of him! He even volunteered to drive Sihui and I to Bugis after! So we got a free ride to meet Peifang.
Peifang wanted to try Wonton Story. This tiny deli which was started by Jules, a coach that we know. The food is good! Shall go with WY when he comes back. I'm not a fan of minced meat noodles, but theirs is super sumptious. Very appetitizing too.
We go on to Ah Chew for dessert! We were early so there were lots of places. Haha. Then Sihui said she wanted some shopping and off we go! Pf and I were crazy about the Macs Monopoly game and I suggested we have a mac at my expense. Haha. Turned out PF got gien and got another meal on her own. So 3 of us started munching off our suppers! Haha.. and I realised I'm like 1 location short for every category. I guess it's the same for everyone. MacDonald's so smart! And I'm the robert they are after. =x
16 Nov - Went early to my granny house in the morning. Started packing only in the morning and I decided to bring a mini luggage. Hahaha. Was lugging the luggage along and the cab driver asked me if I was shifting home (-_-"').
Gin went my granny place too and we went supermarketing after. Bought quite a bit of stuff from Giant at IMM, all in preparation for 2 of Jamie Oliver's receipe!
I was rummaging through my wristlet when I realised I accidentally took WY's Dad's Esso Card. Went jogging with Gin and returned the card to him. The weather was great and the journey from my granny's place (Gombak) to WY's place(CCK) was a breeze. The scary part came when we were on our return journey. It started to rain... And I was so afraid we would be strike by lightning! Singapore has been pretty unpredictable lately you know... Hah.
Came back and tried the receipes and I announce the completion of Spring Vegetable and Bean Soup plus Asian-Styled Steam Salmon! Tasted not too bad but think my granny don't really like it even though I changed her share to cod fish. Hai... But well, think it's not too bad, at least edible. Hah!
P/S: Shall not cook too much of these good fish, cost a bomb!
Went my granny's place after and had to rush over to WY's place cos BB Skylar was going to have her hair cut and her hair made into a caligraphy brush! Hmm.. seems like it's quite a popular practice amongst new babies recently. Anyway, the barber came early and when I got there the process was done. So I ended up going back to my granny's place. Had a nice long hilarious chat with my aunts and uncle. Uncle Raymond was nice enough to edit all the pictures he took at the wedding. Haha. So nice of him! He even volunteered to drive Sihui and I to Bugis after! So we got a free ride to meet Peifang.
Peifang wanted to try Wonton Story. This tiny deli which was started by Jules, a coach that we know. The food is good! Shall go with WY when he comes back. I'm not a fan of minced meat noodles, but theirs is super sumptious. Very appetitizing too.
We go on to Ah Chew for dessert! We were early so there were lots of places. Haha. Then Sihui said she wanted some shopping and off we go! Pf and I were crazy about the Macs Monopoly game and I suggested we have a mac at my expense. Haha. Turned out PF got gien and got another meal on her own. So 3 of us started munching off our suppers! Haha.. and I realised I'm like 1 location short for every category. I guess it's the same for everyone. MacDonald's so smart! And I'm the robert they are after. =x
16 Nov - Went early to my granny house in the morning. Started packing only in the morning and I decided to bring a mini luggage. Hahaha. Was lugging the luggage along and the cab driver asked me if I was shifting home (-_-"').
Gin went my granny place too and we went supermarketing after. Bought quite a bit of stuff from Giant at IMM, all in preparation for 2 of Jamie Oliver's receipe!
I was rummaging through my wristlet when I realised I accidentally took WY's Dad's Esso Card. Went jogging with Gin and returned the card to him. The weather was great and the journey from my granny's place (Gombak) to WY's place(CCK) was a breeze. The scary part came when we were on our return journey. It started to rain... And I was so afraid we would be strike by lightning! Singapore has been pretty unpredictable lately you know... Hah.
Came back and tried the receipes and I announce the completion of Spring Vegetable and Bean Soup plus Asian-Styled Steam Salmon! Tasted not too bad but think my granny don't really like it even though I changed her share to cod fish. Hai... But well, think it's not too bad, at least edible. Hah!
P/S: Shall not cook too much of these good fish, cost a bomb!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fri and Sat - weekends are getting quieter..
13 Nov - I woke up at 530am and met Huimin at 630am. Turned out we were way too early for breakfast at Starbucks, which opens only at 730am! Had my favourite bagel and skinny chai latte. Not too bad to the start of the day.
Went for Soon's class again. This time was the students' final presentation. And what was amazing, they were actually freshies! Man.. I wasn't presenting like this when I was a freshie! Anyway, there was 2 special guests (not me and Huimin of course). These people were started an incubating company. Names are Huge and Ming. Huge is a really interesting guy. British by birth and moved to Singapore just because he liked it here! Used to be a TV series producer, and now an entrepreneur and investor as well. Amazing guy and very inspiring. I should probably brush up on my business plan and let him have a look!
Met DX for lunch after at Quiznos. Man.. I missed it so much. But somehow or rather, it didn't taste as good as I remembered it. =( Headed down to WY's place after, and waited till dinner time when the family and I went Pu Tien at JP again for WY's mum's bday dinner. They were really fast during dinner. Once the food was done, the parents just got up and left. Leaving Yuqin and I waiting at the table for the bill. Rather weird I must say.
Yuqin had to go to Kiddy Palace to get some BB stuff and her dad wasn't too keen to wait around. First time realising this. Thank God WY is not like that. The hurrying was pretty scary. Hah.
14 Nov - Jap class today! Supposed to meet Buddy for Macs early in the morning at 930am, ended up both of us couldn't wake up in time. Pretty usual! Haha. New classmate today, realised she's working at HDB too. Shall recommend her to JJ.
After that headed down to Cousin's Keith gym at Cairnhill Community Centre. Really makes me wonder why there is a CC at Cairnhill. I mean do the people really need it? Hmm.. Anyway the gym is not too bad. But was rather horrifying cos the people there are really big. Like body builders. Including the women! I feel flabby and tiny when I was there. Xiaoyun jioed me to the gym, saying she wants to tone up. And she's already 45kg! She's really working hard to look good for her wedding. I guess I'm the laziest bride around...
Keith trained us around. It was rather tiring. I wasn't used to the equipment, but wasn't too bad. Suspect I'm gonna get aches tomorrow.
Had dinner with my parents. It was a great dinner! Chicken claypot, with minced meat brinjal, vege and pork knuckle (with no fats at all). Nice one~!
So all in all, not much done. I'm trying to stream SNL and it's taking suuuppperrr long. Ah..!
Went for Soon's class again. This time was the students' final presentation. And what was amazing, they were actually freshies! Man.. I wasn't presenting like this when I was a freshie! Anyway, there was 2 special guests (not me and Huimin of course). These people were started an incubating company. Names are Huge and Ming. Huge is a really interesting guy. British by birth and moved to Singapore just because he liked it here! Used to be a TV series producer, and now an entrepreneur and investor as well. Amazing guy and very inspiring. I should probably brush up on my business plan and let him have a look!
Met DX for lunch after at Quiznos. Man.. I missed it so much. But somehow or rather, it didn't taste as good as I remembered it. =( Headed down to WY's place after, and waited till dinner time when the family and I went Pu Tien at JP again for WY's mum's bday dinner. They were really fast during dinner. Once the food was done, the parents just got up and left. Leaving Yuqin and I waiting at the table for the bill. Rather weird I must say.
Yuqin had to go to Kiddy Palace to get some BB stuff and her dad wasn't too keen to wait around. First time realising this. Thank God WY is not like that. The hurrying was pretty scary. Hah.
14 Nov - Jap class today! Supposed to meet Buddy for Macs early in the morning at 930am, ended up both of us couldn't wake up in time. Pretty usual! Haha. New classmate today, realised she's working at HDB too. Shall recommend her to JJ.
After that headed down to Cousin's Keith gym at Cairnhill Community Centre. Really makes me wonder why there is a CC at Cairnhill. I mean do the people really need it? Hmm.. Anyway the gym is not too bad. But was rather horrifying cos the people there are really big. Like body builders. Including the women! I feel flabby and tiny when I was there. Xiaoyun jioed me to the gym, saying she wants to tone up. And she's already 45kg! She's really working hard to look good for her wedding. I guess I'm the laziest bride around...
Keith trained us around. It was rather tiring. I wasn't used to the equipment, but wasn't too bad. Suspect I'm gonna get aches tomorrow.
Had dinner with my parents. It was a great dinner! Chicken claypot, with minced meat brinjal, vege and pork knuckle (with no fats at all). Nice one~!
So all in all, not much done. I'm trying to stream SNL and it's taking suuuppperrr long. Ah..!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I wanted to reject!
12 Nov - And there I woke up at 1030am and realised my neck was twisted from sleeping. Yes.. again. It happens quite often. Hah. The phone rang and the school called. I was seriously thinking what my answer would be although I pretty much knew I wanted a No, but was too embarrassed to say so. Answered the call, and agreed to head down to do relief "teaching". Hah. Thought to myself, might as well earn 90 bucks than sitting around sending resumes? Haha.
I had only 3 hrs of class today. Not bad! But think i screw up when the kids are heading home. Turned out there was no assembly, and the kids were dismissed from the class. I had no idea they were supposed to go into groups which might determine where they exit, so I was pretty much horrified when I took them in the wrong direction and the kids from another class clashed into us. The teacher was explaining to me about the exit strategy and the kids kept coming up telling me what they knew about the exit strategy. Plus some over-enthusiastic individuals running directly towards the exit. It was chaotic! And hilarious as well though. Could see the teacher wasn't too pleased. I did ask the administrator what was to be done before I started my classes, she just say 随机应便。Peng!
Came home feeling bloody tired. Tomorrow is gonna be another long day ahead! Meeting Huimin for breakfast at 7am! And we're meeting at 620am at JE. Man.. reckoned Soon must have spoke to her about spending time with me. Ahh...Even Meiyee asked me out. These people are really concerned. Now I don't know what to feel. =(
I had only 3 hrs of class today. Not bad! But think i screw up when the kids are heading home. Turned out there was no assembly, and the kids were dismissed from the class. I had no idea they were supposed to go into groups which might determine where they exit, so I was pretty much horrified when I took them in the wrong direction and the kids from another class clashed into us. The teacher was explaining to me about the exit strategy and the kids kept coming up telling me what they knew about the exit strategy. Plus some over-enthusiastic individuals running directly towards the exit. It was chaotic! And hilarious as well though. Could see the teacher wasn't too pleased. I did ask the administrator what was to be done before I started my classes, she just say 随机应便。Peng!
Came home feeling bloody tired. Tomorrow is gonna be another long day ahead! Meeting Huimin for breakfast at 7am! And we're meeting at 620am at JE. Man.. reckoned Soon must have spoke to her about spending time with me. Ahh...Even Meiyee asked me out. These people are really concerned. Now I don't know what to feel. =(
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The roadshow
So I braced my courage and went down to this Career Roadshow at Raffles City today. They were having some walk-in interviews, which I weren't very keen. But still, never tried this before so I thought I'd go down and have a look.
I understood the roadshow as a walk-in interview sort of thingy. But I didn't expect a full interview to be done there. The interviews were so long my queue barely moved for the 45 mins I was there. And there were 10+ people in front of me still. I thought it would be a brief interview and get to know session by talking to the people working there only. I thought the roadshow was really inefficient so I shall not disclose which company was organising it. But well, it was from the fashion industry. Hah.
There was this woman who was queuing for another booth. And when I got there, she was already complaining to the guy in front of her, who was there for the walk-in interview as well. Could see he felt really awkward. Another 45 mins into the queue, the woman got fed up and yelled at one of the organising helpers. She said it wasn't right she had to wait this long for an interview. She was practically screaming. She should have just left. I wouldn't think she'll get the job even when she got her turn. Hah. It was a pretty scary experience though.
Met with DX and watched Michael Moore's new documentary, Capitalism - A love story. It's not bad, gave some insights into the administration of the US government. Michael Moore always has this sarcarstic humor approach, so it's a slightly entertaining documentary. Now all eyes are gonna be on Goldman Sachs! The big earners! Oh, I should probably send a resume over. Hah.
I understood the roadshow as a walk-in interview sort of thingy. But I didn't expect a full interview to be done there. The interviews were so long my queue barely moved for the 45 mins I was there. And there were 10+ people in front of me still. I thought it would be a brief interview and get to know session by talking to the people working there only. I thought the roadshow was really inefficient so I shall not disclose which company was organising it. But well, it was from the fashion industry. Hah.
There was this woman who was queuing for another booth. And when I got there, she was already complaining to the guy in front of her, who was there for the walk-in interview as well. Could see he felt really awkward. Another 45 mins into the queue, the woman got fed up and yelled at one of the organising helpers. She said it wasn't right she had to wait this long for an interview. She was practically screaming. She should have just left. I wouldn't think she'll get the job even when she got her turn. Hah. It was a pretty scary experience though.
Met with DX and watched Michael Moore's new documentary, Capitalism - A love story. It's not bad, gave some insights into the administration of the US government. Michael Moore always has this sarcarstic humor approach, so it's a slightly entertaining documentary. Now all eyes are gonna be on Goldman Sachs! The big earners! Oh, I should probably send a resume over. Hah.
Start living.
10 Nov - Woke up at 515am today and got ready to go for Relief Teaching! First time going to a school not as a student but as a teacher. It was really weird when I was standing at the parade square singing the national anthem and saying the pledge. How long has it been since I did this? Almost 8 years!
Was doing relief teaching for Primary 6 kids. They had finished their exams and had pretty much nothing to do. And I really wonder why they are in school for. Wouldn't it be better if they are at home doing the stuff they like? I mean 1-2 weeks of playing cards is fine but more than a month?!
Anyway, it's not really teaching. They just needed someone to maintain some order. I didn't think I did a great job for all the classes (some were really difficult to control!), but I had fun with some classes. Was chatting and playing games. Kids are really curious creatures. =)
Went for lunch with Sihui & Guobin after and headed home directly. Guobin was called up for relief teaching as well. Sihui later commented the school administrator asked if he was interested to do this permanently! She didn't asked me. So disappointed... =(
Was totally burned out after the 5.5 hrs of school. I know! It's only 5.5 hrs. But it's really tiring! Not too sure why though. Slept from 5pm till 630pm and headed down to Bugis to meet Eileen and Peifang after. Had a nice dinner at NYDC. Been ages since I've been there. Nice catching up too! Peifang and I were chatting non-stop on the way back. It's nice to finally get to know her. We have been in the same clique for years and it's this year when we finally talked more. Amazing!
Finally wrapped up the Jamie Oliver's book in plastic! To protect the book mah.. haha. Can't wait to use it next week! Did something else I wasn't expected to do today. Decided to write my own bucket list. Included some crazy/scary things, but not too crazy/scary. Only in my opinion they are crazy/scary enough. Hah.
I can't wait to see WY's bucket list. Would like to see if there are any similarities. Realised the list is getting longer and longer and I'm not getting anywhere nearer. That means I'm super far from the events/things that will make my life fulfilling, and yet I do not know when my end of days are near.
Read a book today (I shall introduce this book at a later date). The author says "It would be foolish to be frightened by death, because all of us, sooner or later, are going to die. And only those who accept this fact are prepared for life."
Not too deep to understand eh? =)
Was doing relief teaching for Primary 6 kids. They had finished their exams and had pretty much nothing to do. And I really wonder why they are in school for. Wouldn't it be better if they are at home doing the stuff they like? I mean 1-2 weeks of playing cards is fine but more than a month?!
Anyway, it's not really teaching. They just needed someone to maintain some order. I didn't think I did a great job for all the classes (some were really difficult to control!), but I had fun with some classes. Was chatting and playing games. Kids are really curious creatures. =)
Went for lunch with Sihui & Guobin after and headed home directly. Guobin was called up for relief teaching as well. Sihui later commented the school administrator asked if he was interested to do this permanently! She didn't asked me. So disappointed... =(
Was totally burned out after the 5.5 hrs of school. I know! It's only 5.5 hrs. But it's really tiring! Not too sure why though. Slept from 5pm till 630pm and headed down to Bugis to meet Eileen and Peifang after. Had a nice dinner at NYDC. Been ages since I've been there. Nice catching up too! Peifang and I were chatting non-stop on the way back. It's nice to finally get to know her. We have been in the same clique for years and it's this year when we finally talked more. Amazing!
Finally wrapped up the Jamie Oliver's book in plastic! To protect the book mah.. haha. Can't wait to use it next week! Did something else I wasn't expected to do today. Decided to write my own bucket list. Included some crazy/scary things, but not too crazy/scary. Only in my opinion they are crazy/scary enough. Hah.
I can't wait to see WY's bucket list. Would like to see if there are any similarities. Realised the list is getting longer and longer and I'm not getting anywhere nearer. That means I'm super far from the events/things that will make my life fulfilling, and yet I do not know when my end of days are near.
Read a book today (I shall introduce this book at a later date). The author says "It would be foolish to be frightened by death, because all of us, sooner or later, are going to die. And only those who accept this fact are prepared for life."
Not too deep to understand eh? =)
Monday, November 09, 2009
The days of minimum sleep!
8 Nov
Drove Yuqin down to Henderson today. Slept for 2+ hrs again. Waited for her at Henderson for about 2.5 hrs in the morning. Was thinking perhaps they will end at 1am, ended up it was 330am! And, I was back at Henderson in less than 6 hrs for her third day of TCC.
Helped out with TCC today. Reached at about 5pm. The whole session ended at 530am on Monday! It was a heartwarming experience nonetheless. I'm really glad Yuqin went for it. So that just leaves... WY? =p
9 Nov
So I slept at 6+ in the morning! Woke up at 12pm and realised I was going to be late for lunch with Brandon. Went lunch with Brandon at Citihall. Had lunch at Aerins and there were serving 1+1 pasta. Not too bad. Collected my surprise gift from WY after. He had a delivery man, which I'm not obliged to say who. I'm so touched! The scarf is so nice! Went shopping after. Got quite a bit of nice clothes. I know I'm not supposed to shop, but I swear this is the first and last for the month! Hah.
Met with my parents for dinner too. And now I'm waiting for WY to come online so I can see his face. And I can't wait! Oh he's here!!!!
Drove Yuqin down to Henderson today. Slept for 2+ hrs again. Waited for her at Henderson for about 2.5 hrs in the morning. Was thinking perhaps they will end at 1am, ended up it was 330am! And, I was back at Henderson in less than 6 hrs for her third day of TCC.
Helped out with TCC today. Reached at about 5pm. The whole session ended at 530am on Monday! It was a heartwarming experience nonetheless. I'm really glad Yuqin went for it. So that just leaves... WY? =p
9 Nov
So I slept at 6+ in the morning! Woke up at 12pm and realised I was going to be late for lunch with Brandon. Went lunch with Brandon at Citihall. Had lunch at Aerins and there were serving 1+1 pasta. Not too bad. Collected my surprise gift from WY after. He had a delivery man, which I'm not obliged to say who. I'm so touched! The scarf is so nice! Went shopping after. Got quite a bit of nice clothes. I know I'm not supposed to shop, but I swear this is the first and last for the month! Hah.
Met with my parents for dinner too. And now I'm waiting for WY to come online so I can see his face. And I can't wait! Oh he's here!!!!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Housekeeping day
7 Nov - I drove around today again. It was Henderson, then to CCK, then to Orchard, then to Henderson, then to Bt Timah! And I reached back only at 3pm! Oh, drove to Vivo for supper too! I'm starting to think my sense of direction is not that bad. Hah.
Did nothing for the whole day. Didn't had an afternoon nap although I slept for only 2 hours the previous night. Was feeling pretty energetic the whole day too! Ran again on my own, felt super refreshed after.
BB Skylar don't recognize me again today. Sad... which means she cried quite a bit. I'm more of a problem maker than solver. Supposed to help carrying her and such, ended up make her cry so much that she needs more attention pacifying her. Bad...
This weekend shall be rather quiet. Hmm...
Did nothing for the whole day. Didn't had an afternoon nap although I slept for only 2 hours the previous night. Was feeling pretty energetic the whole day too! Ran again on my own, felt super refreshed after.
BB Skylar don't recognize me again today. Sad... which means she cried quite a bit. I'm more of a problem maker than solver. Supposed to help carrying her and such, ended up make her cry so much that she needs more attention pacifying her. Bad...
This weekend shall be rather quiet. Hmm...
Saturday, November 07, 2009
There's something about Skylar...
Friday, November 06, 2009
Drive drive drive...
6 Nov - I drove alot again! But this time I drove in jams! Something I never thought I would do seriously.
Sent Yuqin, WY's sis, to TCC today at the Henderson Compound. The place is quite cool. Really look like an office albeit in an ulu ulu place. Became the milk lady and collected milk for the bb as well. Finally managed to hold Skylar without her crying. And I found out something about her - she's not too keen on Veggie Tales =(
Went to Sihui's grandma's wake too. Drove to Sin Ming, encountering a massive jam. First time driving to places so far. It's not something I'm proud of though. I wouldn't want to drive to a wake. I wouldn't want a friend to attend any wake if you get what I mean.
I realised I've been driving a lot lately. Frankly speaking, I don't like it at all. I mean I like it that I finally have the courage to drive around freely on my own, but with me driving, it just means that WY isn't here. I'm not blaming him, but I seriously thought I could have coped better. Apparently, the tears that came while driving back proved me wrong. JJ said I am coping very well with his absence, and I wonder how I managed to showed that part to people. I just can't wait for him to be back.
I'm staying at his parents' place over the weekend. Could not get the sofa bed (our bed) out into a bed. Was feeling so exasperated, and I finally got it right after so many tries. His mum thought I could not get used to the mattress that she offered as an alternative when I couldn't get the bed up. But I just wanted to feel close to WY.
Sent Yuqin, WY's sis, to TCC today at the Henderson Compound. The place is quite cool. Really look like an office albeit in an ulu ulu place. Became the milk lady and collected milk for the bb as well. Finally managed to hold Skylar without her crying. And I found out something about her - she's not too keen on Veggie Tales =(
Went to Sihui's grandma's wake too. Drove to Sin Ming, encountering a massive jam. First time driving to places so far. It's not something I'm proud of though. I wouldn't want to drive to a wake. I wouldn't want a friend to attend any wake if you get what I mean.
I realised I've been driving a lot lately. Frankly speaking, I don't like it at all. I mean I like it that I finally have the courage to drive around freely on my own, but with me driving, it just means that WY isn't here. I'm not blaming him, but I seriously thought I could have coped better. Apparently, the tears that came while driving back proved me wrong. JJ said I am coping very well with his absence, and I wonder how I managed to showed that part to people. I just can't wait for him to be back.
I'm staying at his parents' place over the weekend. Could not get the sofa bed (our bed) out into a bed. Was feeling so exasperated, and I finally got it right after so many tries. His mum thought I could not get used to the mattress that she offered as an alternative when I couldn't get the bed up. But I just wanted to feel close to WY.
The Meetups 2
4 Nov
Did nothing much. Woke up late in the morning and headed to WY's house after. Realised Skylar is still crying as much when she saw me. This is bad... Thankfully, at the end of it, she managed to smile a little when I was talking to her. That was after I started chatting for a really looooong time with her mum!
5 Nov
Met up with Zhengying, my cousin whom I haven't met for almost a year! Gin was with us too. Had lunch at Din Tai Fung, after which Zhengying left for work and Gin and I went out on our own. We watched Astro Boy, which is surprisingly good and got some books I wanted from the library. Money saved!
Tried something unexpected today! We actually took neoprints! (I wonder if they are still called that???) The last time I took them was when I was in JC, like 8 years ago. She was really fast in decorating the picture we took! And seriously, the pictures taken were initially quite ugly. I was rather pale (because of the horrendous headache and nausea I was experiencing the whole night!) and the pictures just look plain on the screen. Imagine my surprise when the photos were printed out. Think they enhanced my face or something. I actually looked radiant! It's like they colored some concealer under my eyes, even out my skin tone, and added some fake eyelash. Hah. Amazing!
Today was dad's birthday. Had a simple dinner ex my brother who had something on at the gym. Started purchasing the items that WY requested, so I can send an 爱心包over. Hah. Be prepared for some surprises!
Did nothing much. Woke up late in the morning and headed to WY's house after. Realised Skylar is still crying as much when she saw me. This is bad... Thankfully, at the end of it, she managed to smile a little when I was talking to her. That was after I started chatting for a really looooong time with her mum!
5 Nov
Met up with Zhengying, my cousin whom I haven't met for almost a year! Gin was with us too. Had lunch at Din Tai Fung, after which Zhengying left for work and Gin and I went out on our own. We watched Astro Boy, which is surprisingly good and got some books I wanted from the library. Money saved!
Tried something unexpected today! We actually took neoprints! (I wonder if they are still called that???) The last time I took them was when I was in JC, like 8 years ago. She was really fast in decorating the picture we took! And seriously, the pictures taken were initially quite ugly. I was rather pale (because of the horrendous headache and nausea I was experiencing the whole night!) and the pictures just look plain on the screen. Imagine my surprise when the photos were printed out. Think they enhanced my face or something. I actually looked radiant! It's like they colored some concealer under my eyes, even out my skin tone, and added some fake eyelash. Hah. Amazing!
Today was dad's birthday. Had a simple dinner ex my brother who had something on at the gym. Started purchasing the items that WY requested, so I can send an 爱心包over. Hah. Be prepared for some surprises!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
and finally...
I got to see WY's face! When the web cam started appearing, I actually cried. Don't see his face still not that bad. Oh man... I missed him soooo much!
All of these in a whole day...
3 Nov - Finally cleared my dry laundry today, and my wardrobe is bursting! Time to clear out what I don't need next. Once I get the go-ahead to have the flea market set up!
Finally check out the Loopz DVD. Tried out some of the exercises, and they are grueling! Was perspiring like mad after a few moves, found it quite useful after all.
Met up with Possum and treated her to a dinner at Tao's. Standard dropped quite a bit. Didn't really enjoy it. And how I envy her. She's going to Hokkaido next Sat for 16 days! Good for her!
I'm still trying to confirm the Cambodia trip at the end of the month. Can't wait to see the Tuol Sleng Museum and the killing fields. Something which I've always wanted to visit ever since I read about the Khmer Rouge Regime many years back. Horrifying!
Bought Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food! Interesting recipes and best of all, they are simple recipes! The sub heading reads "Anyone can learn to cook in 24 hours". How encouraging!

I shall try the recipes in the book! And WY comes back, I can cook for him dish by dish. Hah. I'm so inspired by Julie & Julia!
Finally check out the Loopz DVD. Tried out some of the exercises, and they are grueling! Was perspiring like mad after a few moves, found it quite useful after all.
Met up with Possum and treated her to a dinner at Tao's. Standard dropped quite a bit. Didn't really enjoy it. And how I envy her. She's going to Hokkaido next Sat for 16 days! Good for her!
I'm still trying to confirm the Cambodia trip at the end of the month. Can't wait to see the Tuol Sleng Museum and the killing fields. Something which I've always wanted to visit ever since I read about the Khmer Rouge Regime many years back. Horrifying!
Bought Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food! Interesting recipes and best of all, they are simple recipes! The sub heading reads "Anyone can learn to cook in 24 hours". How encouraging!

I shall try the recipes in the book! And WY comes back, I can cook for him dish by dish. Hah. I'm so inspired by Julie & Julia!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Non IT-diot
2 Nov - I think I'm a genius. Successfully downloaded the Trend Micro, and I removed it and I think the refund is still being processed! Haa. I got an even better deal, can protect 3 PCs at one go! And for a cheaper price, and looks like the installation is perfect!
Met Cui for KFC and headed down to WY's place to assist in looking after the bb Skylar. Not much done, she was falling asleep when I got there. But well.. some damage done. Realised she don't really like me. Kept crying when she saw my face. So horrible meh?! Peng. Quite scary to see her wail. She sounded like she was in pain. Sad.
Anyway, quite an accomplished thing done today..by my standards that is. Hah. Shall see if WY is able to download his share tomorrow!
Met Cui for KFC and headed down to WY's place to assist in looking after the bb Skylar. Not much done, she was falling asleep when I got there. But well.. some damage done. Realised she don't really like me. Kept crying when she saw my face. So horrible meh?! Peng. Quite scary to see her wail. She sounded like she was in pain. Sad.
Anyway, quite an accomplished thing done today..by my standards that is. Hah. Shall see if WY is able to download his share tomorrow!
Monday, November 02, 2009
1 Nov - WY has always been my IT technician. He's into this full time, so much so that I'm unable to comprehend my own PC now. Very outdated person I must say. I can't even manage a renewal subscription on the Trend Micro. I bought the renewal online, and sad to say, it's still appearing with the expiry date as today. I spent almost 2 hours trying to figure out what went wrong...Gross.
Anyway, at least it's a first attempt to manage this PC. Already sent a message to TrendMicro on the trouble shooting. Hopefully things will get settled, then I can purchase another one for the netbook, but of course this round, successfully!
Anyway, at least it's a first attempt to manage this PC. Already sent a message to TrendMicro on the trouble shooting. Hopefully things will get settled, then I can purchase another one for the netbook, but of course this round, successfully!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Not too good a day =(
31 Oct - I hate to say this but today was a really bad day to come to think of it...
Wanted to go to Sentosa's Spooktacular and the event was sold out. Then went Clark Quay and the queue to Zirca was bloody long. Before that went WY's place and baby Skylar was crying non-stop. I'm seriously thinking it's because of me. Next, when I was going to take a cab home from his place, bloody freaking idiots start appearing everywhere on the stretch of road. They must be bloody blind to not see me waving my hand desperately. If they are going to give an excuse to say that they didn't see anyone, then OPEN your bloody eyes and use your stupid brain to focus on human form trying to flag for a cab before you start flagging down any on your own. 5 bloody non-gracious Singaporeans went before me and took the cab. 5! On the same stretch of road. I did the classy ungracious thing by rubbing my chin with my middle finger while the cab drove past me with one of the bloody blind passengers. Then when another lady tried to flag down my cab, (and mind you, she just appeared suddenly in front of me), I gave her my most angry stare. Thankfully, the cab uncle saw me and stopped in front of me. Seriously when I saw her coming towards my cab, I was almost ready to pounce. It's OK for one or two person to do that, but 5?! And all at the same time...
Next.. Citibank! We requested for pin number for both WY's card and my card, and they only sent in mine, and without his. WY took the card with him for use on his trip. I checked my card's statement and realised that the amount is more than I expected, and I'm pretty sure WY didn't use his card till today. As a careful consumer, I'm unreluctant to pay for the excess until I can verify the details of the purchase. So I called using all the data he has provided to access the account, and they refused to let me through even though I could answer the verification questions. After much donging, the manager called and said what she could do is to call WY and verify if it's OK to send a pin change by mail so I will know and then able to access his account. (Note that we already requested for the pin change before he left, and they only sent in mine.) I don't really see the point in this since the number they have on record isn't even his mobile number. It was mine, which means I had to give them a mobile number to call and verify. And I could jolly well give any number I like. And they call this verification... How great a solution is that?!
Someone had to drop a big ending to the end of the day. I'm trying my best to sort everything out with limited information that was provided, limited access to information and then to be told in a way which meant "someone else with the same limited resources could do it in a nicer way". Pardon me for my outburst, because it is actually tiring to be running to and fro just trying to obtain information and spending time with people that are important to you.
Wanted to go to Sentosa's Spooktacular and the event was sold out. Then went Clark Quay and the queue to Zirca was bloody long. Before that went WY's place and baby Skylar was crying non-stop. I'm seriously thinking it's because of me. Next, when I was going to take a cab home from his place, bloody freaking idiots start appearing everywhere on the stretch of road. They must be bloody blind to not see me waving my hand desperately. If they are going to give an excuse to say that they didn't see anyone, then OPEN your bloody eyes and use your stupid brain to focus on human form trying to flag for a cab before you start flagging down any on your own. 5 bloody non-gracious Singaporeans went before me and took the cab. 5! On the same stretch of road. I did the classy ungracious thing by rubbing my chin with my middle finger while the cab drove past me with one of the bloody blind passengers. Then when another lady tried to flag down my cab, (and mind you, she just appeared suddenly in front of me), I gave her my most angry stare. Thankfully, the cab uncle saw me and stopped in front of me. Seriously when I saw her coming towards my cab, I was almost ready to pounce. It's OK for one or two person to do that, but 5?! And all at the same time...
Next.. Citibank! We requested for pin number for both WY's card and my card, and they only sent in mine, and without his. WY took the card with him for use on his trip. I checked my card's statement and realised that the amount is more than I expected, and I'm pretty sure WY didn't use his card till today. As a careful consumer, I'm unreluctant to pay for the excess until I can verify the details of the purchase. So I called using all the data he has provided to access the account, and they refused to let me through even though I could answer the verification questions. After much donging, the manager called and said what she could do is to call WY and verify if it's OK to send a pin change by mail so I will know and then able to access his account. (Note that we already requested for the pin change before he left, and they only sent in mine.) I don't really see the point in this since the number they have on record isn't even his mobile number. It was mine, which means I had to give them a mobile number to call and verify. And I could jolly well give any number I like. And they call this verification... How great a solution is that?!
Someone had to drop a big ending to the end of the day. I'm trying my best to sort everything out with limited information that was provided, limited access to information and then to be told in a way which meant "someone else with the same limited resources could do it in a nicer way". Pardon me for my outburst, because it is actually tiring to be running to and fro just trying to obtain information and spending time with people that are important to you.