Friday, October 15, 2004

and you thought...

ten years before i dreamed of so many things..
i wanted to be a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a journalist, a photographer and a fashion designer.
i thought a hundred thousand was a damn lot of money...look at all the millionaire shows now man.
i believed my parents will never age.
i'll be in university doing a specialized course.
i'll still be as happy as before.
i believed a wonderland world will always exist.
i found the man i wanna marry.

who is to know all these will change after ten years. maybe some don't change but look at the twists and turns to get to where we are.

life was simplified. why did i ever said i wanna grow up?

life then was just love, happiness and kindess. everything was like heaven. everything seemed perfect.

i slept real late yesterday...just didn't want the day to end. love it so much. sometimes you ask why hold on to the past? cos u were happier then right? but man must look forward...make the best of your life in the future. problem is no matter how much you try...things just don't become better.

i'm scared of the future. because it's only ten years down the road where u realise ur life is leading nowhere.

that's a sad sad life. am i too childish to want to hold back the purity of being young?

despite that, i'll still want to cherish the pureness of youth. "the running boy is inside every man, no matter how old he gets"

i'm not depressed today...just very stoned. i'm not feeling anything...neither happy or sad...neither good nor bad. just basically waiting for something to happen. happiness maybe. neutral zone makes you anomic.

worry makes people old. i am getting old.

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