21 Dec - Woke up with a super backache! (What a way to start the week, and it is still pain! I don't understand how the comfortable bed can do that??) Went amore for a massage and like all days when I go, they tried to psycho me again. This time, a better deal, but still, no $$$ already. Went to do some grocery shopping for WY, this time bought snacks, and I bought quite abit. Haha. Then went to his place for the soup that his mum cooked, which was supposed to warm my "ah hem". Nice of his mum to do that, but I had to finish an entire pot of soup. It's a little too much. Met JX for dinner at West Mall's KFC. Had the black pepper chicken! So nice!!!! Spicy and good! Lucky don't taste like black pepper at all. Highly recommended! Want to try it again though, but yesterday ZM said he tried it and had diarrhea. Funny.
22 Dec - 冬至today! (Think I got the chinese character wrong, but it sounds the same can liao). And I didn't have any 汤圆! So sad. The MCW assisting finished so early today, but when I came back, my parents were asleep already. So it's another year of no 汤圆. Come to think of it, how many years have I not eat 汤圆 already?! I haven't grow!!! No wonder always look so young. Hahaha. I bought this enormous box of roundtree candies from NTUC today, and was so hooked to it that I was distracted during assisting! Bad! But the candies are nice. Haha. But think I should refrain from getting it. I munch on it non-stop! And candies make my sugar level go haywire. Wouldn't want an episode of hunger fainting again. Had the kidney soup at Bt Merah Hawker Centre again! So unhealthy and sinful!!! (Some of you might really find it yucky, haha)
23 Dec - Ran quite abit of errands before meeting possum today! Finally returned the library book, which I totally forgot! Went to Chinatown to alter my clothes, and met Possum (on time!) at Orchard MRT! We went for our High Tea Tai Tai session at Royal Coppenhagen. Hahaha. Ordered so much that we couldn't finish! The christmas set was quite good, just that the pasta is a little je lat. Shopped a little with Possum and got a gift for Yuqin's MCW Graduation Party later, which the theme was black. (And I'm glad the only pic of me that ppl posted in FB looked nice. It's always scary when ppl just post and tag. Hai. And worse, it's always pics that looked really tired and forlorn.) Party was OK but the food was fantastic! Kelvin Yeo got this mee goreng from dunno where and it was so good I had double portions! Yuqin drove me to her place after and collected my Christmas present from WY. A precious moment gift! Limited edition too! 5000 worldwide.

Nice right... =D
I took the car next and drove Gin back to my home. Baking for tomorrow and we want to have an early start! And guess what, I went to have a car wash and it rained the next morning! Bummer!
24 Dec - The eve!!! Headed very early to the NTUC at JP and got the grocery for baking. Had KFC breakfast before that, not too fantastic. Decided to return the car back to WY's sis, cos I realised the parking is gonna cost, and I have no idea how to drive to Jeanette's party! This time we baked brownie, with the recipe provided by Aunt Sharon, and the cookie recipe I found on the web. I really wanted to personalised the cookies with the names of the people attending the party, ended up the first batch was badly burnt and the icing didn't look that nice after all. So it was just cookies with chocolate piping. But the reviews were great! Plus, our brownie was fantastic too! Hahaha. Jeanette's sis started this new business where she sold glamorous dresses, and I had a chance to try a few. So nice! But no occasion to wear also. Shall go find an occasion to wear. Hahaha. We had some fun playing rabids on Wii and taboo. Quite a good time spending christmas eve. And guess what, Qijia gave me the Billy Joel's CD. Hahahaha. All thanks to WY =*
25 Dec - Christmas day! But today was different, cos WY is not here. It's our 9th Anniversary too. Wah, it's been a long time! Went IMM with my parents for chicken rice, bought quite abit of hair products. Haha. Then met Sihui at Vivo for dinner at Jpot! Nice. The ingredients are so much fresher than Xian De Lai, but somehow the feeling is different. Not as warm. Got my presents, the BLP books I had to read for the next 3 months. =X and Sihui said my birthday present would be the further 3 books for the next next 3 months. Peng. Had fun shopping around! Bought YY's gift too - some mask where you can do up to the chin! I got some for myself too. And bought this ultra big Eeyore from Mini Toons! So cheap SGD29.90! Msged if WY could get it for me and he said OK! (Anyway I got the toy even before he said OK...haha, but at least someone buys a soft toy for you. It's a little weird to buy for yourself! Ok.. other than Yao Zai) Bought some lingerie too, so spent a bomb! Oops. It is entirely a spending christmas!
26 Dec - Met YY & ZM for lunch at Sushi Tei @ Taka! Realised I've been ordering a lot of food lately. Oh wait, I don't mean just ordering, eating as well. Tsk Tsk. Then we walked around and shopped for some stuff. YY prefers to shop in SG than Malaysia, she says more stuff. Been about 3 months since she's left Singapore. Hope she comes back soon! Supposed to head to a BBQ that was organized by Doris & Huifen, ended up Doris said it's raining heavily and the BBQ was cancelled, and so we made other plans. Then about 2 hrs later, she msged and said BBQ to proceed, and we sort of rejected, cos was already planning to watch a (horrible) movie. Went Bugis and looked for stuff for the party. YY wanted to get a mask for her company's D&D, and I was basically just looking around. Ended up, like usual, only I got stuff. Bad! Got a wig for the retro party! Which is so damn cool I shall not divulge until the pics come out! We went for the fish steamboat and headed for movie with ZM after, who joined us after meeting his friends, also at Bugis. And the movie sucked BIG TIME! No PLOT! At all! We were still trying to figure out what was really happening. It's like they took solo shots here and there and sort of trash them all together and call it a movie! CHEAP!!! Not good. And what's the movie? It stars one of my favourite singer (which is OK btw) and a supermodel from Taiwan, something about a treasure hunt. OMG.. the supermodel act like in advertisement like that. I was laughing at some parts, and literally rolling my eyes at the other parts. So was the same for ZM and YY. SO DON'T WATCH!
So now it's Sunday! And I have no plans, and I'm still waiting for plans to come up. Haha. Shall see.
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