and I decided to blog what I had missed! Been sleeping LP timing (6am this morning for yesterday's sleep) but sleeping 8 hours (not so LP-encouraged)! Reason I slept so late yesterday was because I wanted to complete this photo album which I was doing for the wedding in September. I wanted to make it into a professional album, and thought the masterpiece was out at 6am in the morning of Tuesday, but turned out, I needed to do more edits! And thus, I am still awake till now. Want to make sure everything is OK before I zip it to WY for his comments. The Zipping takes forever! And in the midst, I'm just doing some deco stuff for the NYE Countdown RETRO Party this THURSDAY!
So to update...
27 Dec, Sun - The day was spent watching some shows! I'm so thankful for PPLive! So many shows it's amazing. And the streaming is so damn fast. Only downside is that you can only search in chinese characters, but that's easy really. Just google-CN-ed for it. Anyway, I caught G Force while doing my uRobic! The guinea pigs are sooooo cute! Met Yuyin for dinner at Don's for some sinful Crab Bee Hoon. Nice, and I really missed it so much! Sihui and Guobin joined us as well. Had the Koi Bubble tea, this time tried the passion fruit flavor, not bad. And brought Lim Chee Guan's Bak Kwa! Reminds me of WY everytime. He loves it so much. Well, buy for my dad. He loves to munch while watching teevo. Will be many months before I see YY next. She's heading back home to Malacca then KL to work. She's such a great friend and I will miss her so much! Can't wait to visit her too!
28 Dec, Mon - Met Gin for a movie at JP. Yup, chipmunks her favourite. We got there like 45 mins early and was told they only had single tickets, with front row seats! So I sat on first row, and Gin, directly behind me on the second. Lucky the distance was still endurable. The show, like all chipmunks show, is OK. But I thought the first episode was slightly better. The Squeakuel was of course, as expected, with lots of squeaking.
Met Andrew and passed him the Symbols book at Bt Gombak MRT after. WY was so embarrassed to lend the book to him because he included some sweet nothings (Oh...) on the first page before sending it back to me to read. And the sweet nothings included spoilers too, which sort of don't make it a priority now. Haha. Anyway, so sweet of him. =*
Went to Granny's house after and went for a run. Been a month since I last ran and was a little stretched after the 4km run. I should seriously run more. Been eyeing this nike chip thing, shall consider it after I've chalked up my miles. If not, a waste of money. Had dinner at Granny's and heard her complain for about 1.5 hrs non-stop. Hai, sometimes I really wonder what's the best solution for her. After hearing what my aunt said, I guess they are in the process of making some arrangements again. It's really hard to manage when understandings cannot be achieved. Well, well.. maybe she just needed someone to listen, or maybe she should just honestly say what she feels. I think she's holding back and at the same time assuming people would just know how she feels. Isn't this the same with everyone around, regardless of age. We are often holding back what we feel because we do not want to look bad by voicing out, but at the same time, we hope people will just get it, because you get it. It's funny isn't it. Who's the best person to understand? You of course. How can you expect another person who is not you to wholly understand what you feel or do? Maybe in some situations, but definitely not all. And it's in these loopholes that the person with the expectations get discouraged. Weird world. It's all one big circle. Alright.. I digressed.
And this is the day I was busying myself with the photoalbum making program from and slept at 6am on Tuesday while making the wedding album! (I completed and I'm so proud of myself!) WY and I officially have a new hobby! But we'll keep it to one album per year. Hah.
29 Dec, Tue - And I woke up at 1pm! Scary. Had to call Soon to update him and was so embarrassed when he exclaimed that I just woke up. Wait! What do I have to be embarrassed about???!!! Anyway, he set some homework for me to do which is 80% completed. Met with SC, Daji and Zm for costume shopping after. Ate at Benten at Iluma and they have these huge mugs of ice-cream. Shall go try it when WY comes back! Not too sure if he can finish the SGD38.80 sundae!
Walked around Bugis street for costumes for the guys. Realised their stuff are damn cheap and styles are rather up to date. In the next year of diminishing income, I shall shop there instead! Daji shopped! He shopped so much he wanted to incorporate more gear! I always thought he was joking when he said he liked pink. And guess what, he LOVES pink. Hah. He will be wearing a super loud costume that day! Shall take pics and upload!
So now it's 411am and I've finished sending all the stuff and the required for today. So I shall go and let my body take a rest. I hope the fat will dissipate during the sleep too. Haha.
Destination for rants, for raves, for self, and for the people who cared about the puny one in the big big world.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Fast week!
It has been a long and fast week! I spent so much time outside I don't remember coming home early. Hah.
21 Dec - Woke up with a super backache! (What a way to start the week, and it is still pain! I don't understand how the comfortable bed can do that??) Went amore for a massage and like all days when I go, they tried to psycho me again. This time, a better deal, but still, no $$$ already. Went to do some grocery shopping for WY, this time bought snacks, and I bought quite abit. Haha. Then went to his place for the soup that his mum cooked, which was supposed to warm my "ah hem". Nice of his mum to do that, but I had to finish an entire pot of soup. It's a little too much. Met JX for dinner at West Mall's KFC. Had the black pepper chicken! So nice!!!! Spicy and good! Lucky don't taste like black pepper at all. Highly recommended! Want to try it again though, but yesterday ZM said he tried it and had diarrhea. Funny.
22 Dec - 冬至today! (Think I got the chinese character wrong, but it sounds the same can liao). And I didn't have any 汤圆! So sad. The MCW assisting finished so early today, but when I came back, my parents were asleep already. So it's another year of no 汤圆. Come to think of it, how many years have I not eat 汤圆 already?! I haven't grow!!! No wonder always look so young. Hahaha. I bought this enormous box of roundtree candies from NTUC today, and was so hooked to it that I was distracted during assisting! Bad! But the candies are nice. Haha. But think I should refrain from getting it. I munch on it non-stop! And candies make my sugar level go haywire. Wouldn't want an episode of hunger fainting again. Had the kidney soup at Bt Merah Hawker Centre again! So unhealthy and sinful!!! (Some of you might really find it yucky, haha)
23 Dec - Ran quite abit of errands before meeting possum today! Finally returned the library book, which I totally forgot! Went to Chinatown to alter my clothes, and met Possum (on time!) at Orchard MRT! We went for our High Tea Tai Tai session at Royal Coppenhagen. Hahaha. Ordered so much that we couldn't finish! The christmas set was quite good, just that the pasta is a little je lat. Shopped a little with Possum and got a gift for Yuqin's MCW Graduation Party later, which the theme was black. (And I'm glad the only pic of me that ppl posted in FB looked nice. It's always scary when ppl just post and tag. Hai. And worse, it's always pics that looked really tired and forlorn.) Party was OK but the food was fantastic! Kelvin Yeo got this mee goreng from dunno where and it was so good I had double portions! Yuqin drove me to her place after and collected my Christmas present from WY. A precious moment gift! Limited edition too! 5000 worldwide.

Nice right... =D
I took the car next and drove Gin back to my home. Baking for tomorrow and we want to have an early start! And guess what, I went to have a car wash and it rained the next morning! Bummer!
24 Dec - The eve!!! Headed very early to the NTUC at JP and got the grocery for baking. Had KFC breakfast before that, not too fantastic. Decided to return the car back to WY's sis, cos I realised the parking is gonna cost, and I have no idea how to drive to Jeanette's party! This time we baked brownie, with the recipe provided by Aunt Sharon, and the cookie recipe I found on the web. I really wanted to personalised the cookies with the names of the people attending the party, ended up the first batch was badly burnt and the icing didn't look that nice after all. So it was just cookies with chocolate piping. But the reviews were great! Plus, our brownie was fantastic too! Hahaha. Jeanette's sis started this new business where she sold glamorous dresses, and I had a chance to try a few. So nice! But no occasion to wear also. Shall go find an occasion to wear. Hahaha. We had some fun playing rabids on Wii and taboo. Quite a good time spending christmas eve. And guess what, Qijia gave me the Billy Joel's CD. Hahahaha. All thanks to WY =*
25 Dec - Christmas day! But today was different, cos WY is not here. It's our 9th Anniversary too. Wah, it's been a long time! Went IMM with my parents for chicken rice, bought quite abit of hair products. Haha. Then met Sihui at Vivo for dinner at Jpot! Nice. The ingredients are so much fresher than Xian De Lai, but somehow the feeling is different. Not as warm. Got my presents, the BLP books I had to read for the next 3 months. =X and Sihui said my birthday present would be the further 3 books for the next next 3 months. Peng. Had fun shopping around! Bought YY's gift too - some mask where you can do up to the chin! I got some for myself too. And bought this ultra big Eeyore from Mini Toons! So cheap SGD29.90! Msged if WY could get it for me and he said OK! (Anyway I got the toy even before he said OK...haha, but at least someone buys a soft toy for you. It's a little weird to buy for yourself! Ok.. other than Yao Zai) Bought some lingerie too, so spent a bomb! Oops. It is entirely a spending christmas!
26 Dec - Met YY & ZM for lunch at Sushi Tei @ Taka! Realised I've been ordering a lot of food lately. Oh wait, I don't mean just ordering, eating as well. Tsk Tsk. Then we walked around and shopped for some stuff. YY prefers to shop in SG than Malaysia, she says more stuff. Been about 3 months since she's left Singapore. Hope she comes back soon! Supposed to head to a BBQ that was organized by Doris & Huifen, ended up Doris said it's raining heavily and the BBQ was cancelled, and so we made other plans. Then about 2 hrs later, she msged and said BBQ to proceed, and we sort of rejected, cos was already planning to watch a (horrible) movie. Went Bugis and looked for stuff for the party. YY wanted to get a mask for her company's D&D, and I was basically just looking around. Ended up, like usual, only I got stuff. Bad! Got a wig for the retro party! Which is so damn cool I shall not divulge until the pics come out! We went for the fish steamboat and headed for movie with ZM after, who joined us after meeting his friends, also at Bugis. And the movie sucked BIG TIME! No PLOT! At all! We were still trying to figure out what was really happening. It's like they took solo shots here and there and sort of trash them all together and call it a movie! CHEAP!!! Not good. And what's the movie? It stars one of my favourite singer (which is OK btw) and a supermodel from Taiwan, something about a treasure hunt. OMG.. the supermodel act like in advertisement like that. I was laughing at some parts, and literally rolling my eyes at the other parts. So was the same for ZM and YY. SO DON'T WATCH!
So now it's Sunday! And I have no plans, and I'm still waiting for plans to come up. Haha. Shall see.
21 Dec - Woke up with a super backache! (What a way to start the week, and it is still pain! I don't understand how the comfortable bed can do that??) Went amore for a massage and like all days when I go, they tried to psycho me again. This time, a better deal, but still, no $$$ already. Went to do some grocery shopping for WY, this time bought snacks, and I bought quite abit. Haha. Then went to his place for the soup that his mum cooked, which was supposed to warm my "ah hem". Nice of his mum to do that, but I had to finish an entire pot of soup. It's a little too much. Met JX for dinner at West Mall's KFC. Had the black pepper chicken! So nice!!!! Spicy and good! Lucky don't taste like black pepper at all. Highly recommended! Want to try it again though, but yesterday ZM said he tried it and had diarrhea. Funny.
22 Dec - 冬至today! (Think I got the chinese character wrong, but it sounds the same can liao). And I didn't have any 汤圆! So sad. The MCW assisting finished so early today, but when I came back, my parents were asleep already. So it's another year of no 汤圆. Come to think of it, how many years have I not eat 汤圆 already?! I haven't grow!!! No wonder always look so young. Hahaha. I bought this enormous box of roundtree candies from NTUC today, and was so hooked to it that I was distracted during assisting! Bad! But the candies are nice. Haha. But think I should refrain from getting it. I munch on it non-stop! And candies make my sugar level go haywire. Wouldn't want an episode of hunger fainting again. Had the kidney soup at Bt Merah Hawker Centre again! So unhealthy and sinful!!! (Some of you might really find it yucky, haha)
23 Dec - Ran quite abit of errands before meeting possum today! Finally returned the library book, which I totally forgot! Went to Chinatown to alter my clothes, and met Possum (on time!) at Orchard MRT! We went for our High Tea Tai Tai session at Royal Coppenhagen. Hahaha. Ordered so much that we couldn't finish! The christmas set was quite good, just that the pasta is a little je lat. Shopped a little with Possum and got a gift for Yuqin's MCW Graduation Party later, which the theme was black. (And I'm glad the only pic of me that ppl posted in FB looked nice. It's always scary when ppl just post and tag. Hai. And worse, it's always pics that looked really tired and forlorn.) Party was OK but the food was fantastic! Kelvin Yeo got this mee goreng from dunno where and it was so good I had double portions! Yuqin drove me to her place after and collected my Christmas present from WY. A precious moment gift! Limited edition too! 5000 worldwide.

Nice right... =D
I took the car next and drove Gin back to my home. Baking for tomorrow and we want to have an early start! And guess what, I went to have a car wash and it rained the next morning! Bummer!
24 Dec - The eve!!! Headed very early to the NTUC at JP and got the grocery for baking. Had KFC breakfast before that, not too fantastic. Decided to return the car back to WY's sis, cos I realised the parking is gonna cost, and I have no idea how to drive to Jeanette's party! This time we baked brownie, with the recipe provided by Aunt Sharon, and the cookie recipe I found on the web. I really wanted to personalised the cookies with the names of the people attending the party, ended up the first batch was badly burnt and the icing didn't look that nice after all. So it was just cookies with chocolate piping. But the reviews were great! Plus, our brownie was fantastic too! Hahaha. Jeanette's sis started this new business where she sold glamorous dresses, and I had a chance to try a few. So nice! But no occasion to wear also. Shall go find an occasion to wear. Hahaha. We had some fun playing rabids on Wii and taboo. Quite a good time spending christmas eve. And guess what, Qijia gave me the Billy Joel's CD. Hahahaha. All thanks to WY =*
25 Dec - Christmas day! But today was different, cos WY is not here. It's our 9th Anniversary too. Wah, it's been a long time! Went IMM with my parents for chicken rice, bought quite abit of hair products. Haha. Then met Sihui at Vivo for dinner at Jpot! Nice. The ingredients are so much fresher than Xian De Lai, but somehow the feeling is different. Not as warm. Got my presents, the BLP books I had to read for the next 3 months. =X and Sihui said my birthday present would be the further 3 books for the next next 3 months. Peng. Had fun shopping around! Bought YY's gift too - some mask where you can do up to the chin! I got some for myself too. And bought this ultra big Eeyore from Mini Toons! So cheap SGD29.90! Msged if WY could get it for me and he said OK! (Anyway I got the toy even before he said OK...haha, but at least someone buys a soft toy for you. It's a little weird to buy for yourself! Ok.. other than Yao Zai) Bought some lingerie too, so spent a bomb! Oops. It is entirely a spending christmas!
26 Dec - Met YY & ZM for lunch at Sushi Tei @ Taka! Realised I've been ordering a lot of food lately. Oh wait, I don't mean just ordering, eating as well. Tsk Tsk. Then we walked around and shopped for some stuff. YY prefers to shop in SG than Malaysia, she says more stuff. Been about 3 months since she's left Singapore. Hope she comes back soon! Supposed to head to a BBQ that was organized by Doris & Huifen, ended up Doris said it's raining heavily and the BBQ was cancelled, and so we made other plans. Then about 2 hrs later, she msged and said BBQ to proceed, and we sort of rejected, cos was already planning to watch a (horrible) movie. Went Bugis and looked for stuff for the party. YY wanted to get a mask for her company's D&D, and I was basically just looking around. Ended up, like usual, only I got stuff. Bad! Got a wig for the retro party! Which is so damn cool I shall not divulge until the pics come out! We went for the fish steamboat and headed for movie with ZM after, who joined us after meeting his friends, also at Bugis. And the movie sucked BIG TIME! No PLOT! At all! We were still trying to figure out what was really happening. It's like they took solo shots here and there and sort of trash them all together and call it a movie! CHEAP!!! Not good. And what's the movie? It stars one of my favourite singer (which is OK btw) and a supermodel from Taiwan, something about a treasure hunt. OMG.. the supermodel act like in advertisement like that. I was laughing at some parts, and literally rolling my eyes at the other parts. So was the same for ZM and YY. SO DON'T WATCH!
So now it's Sunday! And I have no plans, and I'm still waiting for plans to come up. Haha. Shall see.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The procrastinating weeks!
This is bad, it doesn't mean I have been procrastinating doing things for these past 3 weeks..but well, maybe a little procrastination. But, I was really lagging on updating the blog, which I've set out to update daily. So I shall sum them all up in a gist!
2 Dec - Went to the afternoon jap class. Rather weird, cos the whole class were women! Which I later reckoned to be Tai Tais. Only there are free enough for afternoon class. Haha. And WY said I was training to be a Tai Tai. Which perhaps I just might! Met DX for dinner after, went Ootoya again. This time we didn't order this much!
3 Dec - Watched Mulan that day with my parents. The show that made me cried so much! Gross. I was seriously crying alot. The show was OK, but somehow I cried...ALOT! Came back and started doing WY's present, of which I spent close to 9 hrs with my bum on the hard floor. Seriously hard work! And I'm glad he received it and loved it as much as I do! Oh! And Daddy got me this electric candle light burner. He said I would find it useful since I sleep with night light! So nice!
4 Dec - Think I did nothing much for this day. Headed down for the POS Creation meeting, and before that supposed to go for the MCW Meeting and I didn't turn up! Anyway, had a nice supper with Sihui @ Thai Express after, and we headed to Club Chinois @ Clark Quay for drinks after. It was a long night!
5 Dec - Cousin Andrew's Wedding! Woke up at 730am and headed for his place after. He only held a church wedding, but it was the most touching wedding I went. It was sweet and especially tearful when Andrew said his thanks to his dad (my uncle in law) who had been waiting for him to get married. And his dad was only recently discharged from the hospital from a 3rd stroke I think! And all went well, thanks to God Almighty, that Uncle in law had the health to attend his son's wedding! I swore everyone in the church cried! Headed down for curry party at SC. Well, it was only a party of 4, and the curry was good! Serving was super huge. Haha. Had some guitar hero session, and this is the earliest it ended! 11pm. WOW.
6 Dec - JX came to view the new house today. Diana came along too. Had a good discussion about how the house is gonna be like, and I'm so excited to view the mood pics, which I presume will come out in Feb! Went to WY's place and dump his presents, the grocery he wanted (and it includes RICE! Yes 5kg of RICE and I lugged it to his place along with many other things!) Met PF @ Bukit Panjang Plaza and had some dinner and damn good follow up!
7 Dec - I don't remember what I did today. But I did something!
8 Dec - Watched Beauty & the Beast with DX!!! First time watching theatre without WY. It was quite a kiddy production I think, but well, not too bad!
9 Dec - This was a bz day! Met Doris for lunch at Raffles Place, had a good time catching up! Had a not so nice Vietnamese lunch and then I'm off to Chinatown for the auntie that alter my clothes! Collected my clothes and headed down to Vivo to get some stuff. Walked around (and of course shopped!) for about 2 hrs before heading down to JOO CHIAT for MCW assisting! I can't believe it's Joo Chiat and I made my way down myself! For the first time!!! Haha. And guess what.. the assisting ended at 3am!!! Luckily Shihua drove me back after. Nice!
10 Dec - Met Gin early in the morn and set out for Orchard. It was quite a fun and unexpected day. Unexpected in the sense it was funner than usual. Haha. Went Taka and had lunch at KFC, went Cold Storage and shopped for some Meiji choc stuff (for Gin!) Valene met us after and we started towards 313@Somerset for the Uniqlo sale! Then after we went UrbanWrite and got some really great scrapbooking stuff! Not too many varieties but the stuff's cheaper! Had starbucks before Valene met Nathan for movie and Gin and I headed down to Wisma to shop abit before going down IKEA! And it was a super long day, and super stressing on the pockets!
11 Dec - Went for POS helpout and it lasted the whole entire day! Took the bus to Henderson on my own!!! Hahahaha. Now I know how to get there on my own by public transport! Erm.. besides the cab.
12 Dec - Visited Cui's house today!! So nicely done. And saw XiuXiu! The dog is simply so nice. She has that sad doled eye which made it so irresistible! Going to her house was a little out of the blue. Initially, I was asking directions to go to Ryan's house (which is located at Buangkok) and was asking Cui if there was any bus that goes that. And she said her new place is just next to the condo Ryan is staying so I went up to have a look! Went to Ryan's place for the TCC BBQ and the turnout was like only 6 of us - Ryan, Ava, Ava's Sis (who has freaking long legs btw), Lorraine, Lorraine's husband and Zee (which is me btw). But it was great catching up! Had a peek at Ryan's place and it was immaculate! I really mean immaculate, and this was freaking me out. This guy is so NEAT!
13 Dec - Went church for the first time in many months! Realised the old church changed alot! Headed down to the Akira Sale with Gin and got this hand held blender at a cheap price of SGD19.90. Hah!Met up with my SAJC Classmates (for the first time in many years!) @ taka in the evening. Decided to drive there, and I was glad I did! (My parents left for Genting and I pretty much had the car to myself for the next few days!!!) There were only about 10 people there, and finally all of them left except for Zhichao, Junjie and John. People whom I was really close to when I was in JC. Drove Zhichao and John home and had a really good chat with Zhichao as he was the last to drop off. It was really nice! This lockermate of mine never fail to make conversation great!
14 Dec - Drove to Citihall and had lunch with Brandon! He saw me and exclaimed I look younger! (Doris mentioned that when I met her too btw..hehehe) He said he should quit his job and I looked radiant. HOHOHOHO. Anyway, had a good lunch with him at Soup Spoon. He finally tried something else other than Tokyo Stew. Haha. Then I shopped for the ingredients for the cake before heading down to Granny place to bake! The cake was horrible!!!! Somehow it just didn't cooked properly. Was so upset. Lucky we baked pineapple cookies as well. Headed down to meet Chee Hoe to clear up some stuff about BLP and got him some cookies (which were mainly baked by Gin). Haha, tasted good actually. I initially thought the day was bad because of my spoilt cake, but guess what, not too bad after all!
15 Dec - Decided to try to bake the cake again! This time met Gin and head for Orchard to buy some Christmas stuff before heading back to her home to bake. We concluded the cake from the day before was spoilt because of the oven at my granny's house. Guess what, this time the cake was fantastic!!!! HAHAHA. I'm so proud of myself! Had dinner cooked by Gin's dad (my uncle) and it was great! So nice to have a stay home dad (who can cook! I must emphasize this!)
16 Dec - Went IKEA with my family and had lunch over there. Had the chicken curry that I liked but somehow it tasted a little different. Meaning not as nice. Hah. Met PF for a short dinner. First time heading down to Bt Merah Hawker Centre and the food is really not bad! Assisted for MCW after and lasted a little earlier than previous. Hah.
17 Dec - Went for Mani Pedi in the morning and colored my nails purplish blue! Then met Zhiyuan for a quick lunch before meeting my parents for Bodyguards & Assassins (the movie). The show is a little slow, but so many great casts! Met my mom's maternal family for dinner at Sakura @ Jurong Stadium after. It was to celebrate Uncle Jack's birthday so he treated. He's going Las Vegas for holiday with his wife tomorrow! So nostalgic. I wanna go back too!!!! Went to do some Christmas Deco assisting that night and had super late supper with PF and Huimin. And PF was dozing off at the table. Haha.
18 Dec - Went shopping with my mom!!! Got some clothes from G2000. They have some sale or something. Went for some sure-win lucky dip and I got 5 audio technical earphones out of 9. Peng. Anyway heard they were pretty cheap (my bro checked it's like 20 bucks each!) and I had wanted to win the TV for the new house. HAHAHA. Bought this super red laptop bag too. It's really red! Went for BLP briefing after and went back home to zzz. I'm so proud I've been driving alot!!! And my Dad's Camry. Haha.
19 Dec - Went for Jap class. It's the final jap class for the part 2 of part 1 beginners' level. And I'm so disappointed with myself that I don't seem to learn alot. I haven't been revising and shall use these next 2 weeks to catch up before the next lesson starts! Met with DX and walked around Bugis the whole day after that! Shopped for the party stuff and I got this slinky blue glamorous dress which will showcase my tummy (HAI!) and this retro lighting which is so 70s show. Hahaha. I'm so excited about it!
20 Dec - Christmas party at Granny's! And the food was fantastic! The present I got from the exchange was Loccitane. This is the good part. The bad part is, the product is for men. =( Gin, Vivienne, Sheann (all my cousins) and my uncle in law Say Heng joined me for Avatar after. Before that we had our share of quirky new prints which are so much cheaper than the ones I took with Gin before! 4 bucks cheaper!!! Avatar was good!!! The graphics was fantastic! I don't think the tv screen will get that much hype you know. The only downside, my bum was hurting. Haha.
And here I am typing down what I did for about 20 days! So much procrastination. This coming week will be different as well. And I'm rather excited about it! 5 days more to 9th year anniversary! And I can't wait for the surprises!!!!
2 Dec - Went to the afternoon jap class. Rather weird, cos the whole class were women! Which I later reckoned to be Tai Tais. Only there are free enough for afternoon class. Haha. And WY said I was training to be a Tai Tai. Which perhaps I just might! Met DX for dinner after, went Ootoya again. This time we didn't order this much!
3 Dec - Watched Mulan that day with my parents. The show that made me cried so much! Gross. I was seriously crying alot. The show was OK, but somehow I cried...ALOT! Came back and started doing WY's present, of which I spent close to 9 hrs with my bum on the hard floor. Seriously hard work! And I'm glad he received it and loved it as much as I do! Oh! And Daddy got me this electric candle light burner. He said I would find it useful since I sleep with night light! So nice!
4 Dec - Think I did nothing much for this day. Headed down for the POS Creation meeting, and before that supposed to go for the MCW Meeting and I didn't turn up! Anyway, had a nice supper with Sihui @ Thai Express after, and we headed to Club Chinois @ Clark Quay for drinks after. It was a long night!
5 Dec - Cousin Andrew's Wedding! Woke up at 730am and headed for his place after. He only held a church wedding, but it was the most touching wedding I went. It was sweet and especially tearful when Andrew said his thanks to his dad (my uncle in law) who had been waiting for him to get married. And his dad was only recently discharged from the hospital from a 3rd stroke I think! And all went well, thanks to God Almighty, that Uncle in law had the health to attend his son's wedding! I swore everyone in the church cried! Headed down for curry party at SC. Well, it was only a party of 4, and the curry was good! Serving was super huge. Haha. Had some guitar hero session, and this is the earliest it ended! 11pm. WOW.
6 Dec - JX came to view the new house today. Diana came along too. Had a good discussion about how the house is gonna be like, and I'm so excited to view the mood pics, which I presume will come out in Feb! Went to WY's place and dump his presents, the grocery he wanted (and it includes RICE! Yes 5kg of RICE and I lugged it to his place along with many other things!) Met PF @ Bukit Panjang Plaza and had some dinner and damn good follow up!
7 Dec - I don't remember what I did today. But I did something!
8 Dec - Watched Beauty & the Beast with DX!!! First time watching theatre without WY. It was quite a kiddy production I think, but well, not too bad!
9 Dec - This was a bz day! Met Doris for lunch at Raffles Place, had a good time catching up! Had a not so nice Vietnamese lunch and then I'm off to Chinatown for the auntie that alter my clothes! Collected my clothes and headed down to Vivo to get some stuff. Walked around (and of course shopped!) for about 2 hrs before heading down to JOO CHIAT for MCW assisting! I can't believe it's Joo Chiat and I made my way down myself! For the first time!!! Haha. And guess what.. the assisting ended at 3am!!! Luckily Shihua drove me back after. Nice!
10 Dec - Met Gin early in the morn and set out for Orchard. It was quite a fun and unexpected day. Unexpected in the sense it was funner than usual. Haha. Went Taka and had lunch at KFC, went Cold Storage and shopped for some Meiji choc stuff (for Gin!) Valene met us after and we started towards 313@Somerset for the Uniqlo sale! Then after we went UrbanWrite and got some really great scrapbooking stuff! Not too many varieties but the stuff's cheaper! Had starbucks before Valene met Nathan for movie and Gin and I headed down to Wisma to shop abit before going down IKEA! And it was a super long day, and super stressing on the pockets!
11 Dec - Went for POS helpout and it lasted the whole entire day! Took the bus to Henderson on my own!!! Hahahaha. Now I know how to get there on my own by public transport! Erm.. besides the cab.
12 Dec - Visited Cui's house today!! So nicely done. And saw XiuXiu! The dog is simply so nice. She has that sad doled eye which made it so irresistible! Going to her house was a little out of the blue. Initially, I was asking directions to go to Ryan's house (which is located at Buangkok) and was asking Cui if there was any bus that goes that. And she said her new place is just next to the condo Ryan is staying so I went up to have a look! Went to Ryan's place for the TCC BBQ and the turnout was like only 6 of us - Ryan, Ava, Ava's Sis (who has freaking long legs btw), Lorraine, Lorraine's husband and Zee (which is me btw). But it was great catching up! Had a peek at Ryan's place and it was immaculate! I really mean immaculate, and this was freaking me out. This guy is so NEAT!
13 Dec - Went church for the first time in many months! Realised the old church changed alot! Headed down to the Akira Sale with Gin and got this hand held blender at a cheap price of SGD19.90. Hah!Met up with my SAJC Classmates (for the first time in many years!) @ taka in the evening. Decided to drive there, and I was glad I did! (My parents left for Genting and I pretty much had the car to myself for the next few days!!!) There were only about 10 people there, and finally all of them left except for Zhichao, Junjie and John. People whom I was really close to when I was in JC. Drove Zhichao and John home and had a really good chat with Zhichao as he was the last to drop off. It was really nice! This lockermate of mine never fail to make conversation great!
14 Dec - Drove to Citihall and had lunch with Brandon! He saw me and exclaimed I look younger! (Doris mentioned that when I met her too btw..hehehe) He said he should quit his job and I looked radiant. HOHOHOHO. Anyway, had a good lunch with him at Soup Spoon. He finally tried something else other than Tokyo Stew. Haha. Then I shopped for the ingredients for the cake before heading down to Granny place to bake! The cake was horrible!!!! Somehow it just didn't cooked properly. Was so upset. Lucky we baked pineapple cookies as well. Headed down to meet Chee Hoe to clear up some stuff about BLP and got him some cookies (which were mainly baked by Gin). Haha, tasted good actually. I initially thought the day was bad because of my spoilt cake, but guess what, not too bad after all!
15 Dec - Decided to try to bake the cake again! This time met Gin and head for Orchard to buy some Christmas stuff before heading back to her home to bake. We concluded the cake from the day before was spoilt because of the oven at my granny's house. Guess what, this time the cake was fantastic!!!! HAHAHA. I'm so proud of myself! Had dinner cooked by Gin's dad (my uncle) and it was great! So nice to have a stay home dad (who can cook! I must emphasize this!)
16 Dec - Went IKEA with my family and had lunch over there. Had the chicken curry that I liked but somehow it tasted a little different. Meaning not as nice. Hah. Met PF for a short dinner. First time heading down to Bt Merah Hawker Centre and the food is really not bad! Assisted for MCW after and lasted a little earlier than previous. Hah.
17 Dec - Went for Mani Pedi in the morning and colored my nails purplish blue! Then met Zhiyuan for a quick lunch before meeting my parents for Bodyguards & Assassins (the movie). The show is a little slow, but so many great casts! Met my mom's maternal family for dinner at Sakura @ Jurong Stadium after. It was to celebrate Uncle Jack's birthday so he treated. He's going Las Vegas for holiday with his wife tomorrow! So nostalgic. I wanna go back too!!!! Went to do some Christmas Deco assisting that night and had super late supper with PF and Huimin. And PF was dozing off at the table. Haha.
18 Dec - Went shopping with my mom!!! Got some clothes from G2000. They have some sale or something. Went for some sure-win lucky dip and I got 5 audio technical earphones out of 9. Peng. Anyway heard they were pretty cheap (my bro checked it's like 20 bucks each!) and I had wanted to win the TV for the new house. HAHAHA. Bought this super red laptop bag too. It's really red! Went for BLP briefing after and went back home to zzz. I'm so proud I've been driving alot!!! And my Dad's Camry. Haha.
19 Dec - Went for Jap class. It's the final jap class for the part 2 of part 1 beginners' level. And I'm so disappointed with myself that I don't seem to learn alot. I haven't been revising and shall use these next 2 weeks to catch up before the next lesson starts! Met with DX and walked around Bugis the whole day after that! Shopped for the party stuff and I got this slinky blue glamorous dress which will showcase my tummy (HAI!) and this retro lighting which is so 70s show. Hahaha. I'm so excited about it!
20 Dec - Christmas party at Granny's! And the food was fantastic! The present I got from the exchange was Loccitane. This is the good part. The bad part is, the product is for men. =( Gin, Vivienne, Sheann (all my cousins) and my uncle in law Say Heng joined me for Avatar after. Before that we had our share of quirky new prints which are so much cheaper than the ones I took with Gin before! 4 bucks cheaper!!! Avatar was good!!! The graphics was fantastic! I don't think the tv screen will get that much hype you know. The only downside, my bum was hurting. Haha.
And here I am typing down what I did for about 20 days! So much procrastination. This coming week will be different as well. And I'm rather excited about it! 5 days more to 9th year anniversary! And I can't wait for the surprises!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Vietnam Part 2
27 Nov (Day 3) - This day was spent mostly on the coach, which isn't too bad. I had my fair bit of sleep in Vietnam, although a little too much. Hah. First destination was a 3-hr drive away from Ho Chi Minh City! We went to the Cu Chi Tunnels, a strategic fort used by the Viet Cong Guerillas during the Vietnam War. We tried getting into the tunnels ourselves and the amazing part is, the tunnels have already been expanded so tourists could fit in. Before that, they were really really tiny. It's crazy that the Viet Congs were really people with slim built, plus food was scarce during that time and they had to fight! The tunnels were a little claustrophoby though. Not for the faint hearted. You could only see the person's ass in front of you if you brought a torch along, and you have to duck walk all the time throughout.
We had lunch at this nice garden after, where there were lots of soon-to-be newly weds taking pictures. It's crazy. It's like there are so many people getting married and the garden was filled with photo-taking brides and grooms. Guess this is the only place nice for taking pictures. Hah. Looks like chinese garden really, nothing fantastic.
We proceeded on another long journey to Vung Tau after, a coastal fishing village which is really nice. At least the miserable traffic was a plus point. Hah. We were driven in trishaws and had a mini tour around the area. The guide got us to a fruit stall and we got some longans and they were fantastic. Quite a recommended place to go. I think the best part of the trip was here. Sort of reminded me a little of Kending in Taiwan. Had some seafood dinner (tiny seafood) and headed for a night market, which erm.. is not really any market. It's quite dead..
Headed to our hotel after, and it was a horrible hotel! We thought the one in the city was not too good but this was worse. Well anyway, just for one nite. At least there's cable tv. Hah.
28 Nov (Day 4) - Woke up at 530am and headed down to the beach (right across the hotel) and watched the sunrise. There were quite a bit of people at the beach and was a really peaceful morning. The only regret - in the midst of rushing down for the sunrise, I forgot to bring the camera. The air was cold and the sand was really fine. Walked into the water and I just remembered the times I had in Santa Monica, carefree and nice. Really want to go back to LA. =) *hint hint*
We had a quick breakfast and went to Jesus Monument Mountain, which is at close proximity to the hotel. This is the best part of the trip! At least I get to exercise a bit plus I get to see a really great view from the top of the mountain! (a hill actually) haha. It was really amazing! Recommended place to go. I was perspiring when I reached the top, but it was quite an achievement and I enjoyed every minute of it. Next we headed to a guanyin temple, a summer palace of the previous emperor, which surprisingly looked a little lacklustre, and a whale temple where there were carcasses of whales!!!
We check back to the hotel to collect our belongings and headed for lunch, and thereafter, towards the city. Went to a furniture shop (boring!) and then to the "Orchard Road" of Ho Chi Minh, where we saw a parliament house turned theatre, the Ho Chi Minh monument. We went to the night market as well where I supposedly tried the best spring roll in Ho Chi Minh. Had pho as well.. not bad. Lastly, headed for dinner and the funny thing was, there is this company dinner at the restaurant we were eating and the employees were singing! Including the boss! They kind of went up and sang along. Haha. Vietnamese can really sing!!! We had our share of laughter. Not too bad to end the trip.
29 Nov (Day 5) - Had breakfast and we headed to the airport. I didn't realised this when I touch down but the airport looks really clean and slate. And it's really quite nice it's architecture. So, will I go there Vietnam again? I should think not, but well.. hard to say.
We had lunch at this nice garden after, where there were lots of soon-to-be newly weds taking pictures. It's crazy. It's like there are so many people getting married and the garden was filled with photo-taking brides and grooms. Guess this is the only place nice for taking pictures. Hah. Looks like chinese garden really, nothing fantastic.
We proceeded on another long journey to Vung Tau after, a coastal fishing village which is really nice. At least the miserable traffic was a plus point. Hah. We were driven in trishaws and had a mini tour around the area. The guide got us to a fruit stall and we got some longans and they were fantastic. Quite a recommended place to go. I think the best part of the trip was here. Sort of reminded me a little of Kending in Taiwan. Had some seafood dinner (tiny seafood) and headed for a night market, which erm.. is not really any market. It's quite dead..
Headed to our hotel after, and it was a horrible hotel! We thought the one in the city was not too good but this was worse. Well anyway, just for one nite. At least there's cable tv. Hah.
28 Nov (Day 4) - Woke up at 530am and headed down to the beach (right across the hotel) and watched the sunrise. There were quite a bit of people at the beach and was a really peaceful morning. The only regret - in the midst of rushing down for the sunrise, I forgot to bring the camera. The air was cold and the sand was really fine. Walked into the water and I just remembered the times I had in Santa Monica, carefree and nice. Really want to go back to LA. =) *hint hint*
We had a quick breakfast and went to Jesus Monument Mountain, which is at close proximity to the hotel. This is the best part of the trip! At least I get to exercise a bit plus I get to see a really great view from the top of the mountain! (a hill actually) haha. It was really amazing! Recommended place to go. I was perspiring when I reached the top, but it was quite an achievement and I enjoyed every minute of it. Next we headed to a guanyin temple, a summer palace of the previous emperor, which surprisingly looked a little lacklustre, and a whale temple where there were carcasses of whales!!!
We check back to the hotel to collect our belongings and headed for lunch, and thereafter, towards the city. Went to a furniture shop (boring!) and then to the "Orchard Road" of Ho Chi Minh, where we saw a parliament house turned theatre, the Ho Chi Minh monument. We went to the night market as well where I supposedly tried the best spring roll in Ho Chi Minh. Had pho as well.. not bad. Lastly, headed for dinner and the funny thing was, there is this company dinner at the restaurant we were eating and the employees were singing! Including the boss! They kind of went up and sang along. Haha. Vietnamese can really sing!!! We had our share of laughter. Not too bad to end the trip.
29 Nov (Day 5) - Had breakfast and we headed to the airport. I didn't realised this when I touch down but the airport looks really clean and slate. And it's really quite nice it's architecture. So, will I go there Vietnam again? I should think not, but well.. hard to say.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Vietnam Part 1
I've always had a dislike for packaged tours mainly because I'm a free person. I don't like to be controlled unless there's a need. And when fun and travel comes in, it's definitely not good to be restricted in my opinion. But, since it's a family trip, it would really be better with a packaged tour. So no squabbling and arguing where to go you see. Everything is fixed by someone else. Hah!
25 Nov (Day 1) - A maxi cab came for us for departure at Budget terminal. It was the first time I'm there and it's really budget. Kind of like the feeling of walking down the strip directly. Haha. What I'm apprehensive was, smaller planes tend to jerk harder in times of turbulence, but I'm REALLY GLAD that Tiger Airways had really good pilots. The pilot is hilarious the way he made his introduction. Somehow it made me relaxed a little. I've always had this fear about flight ever since the trip to Taiwan on China Airlines when the plane dropped for that few seconds! Gross.
Reached Ho Chi Minh at about 5pm their time. The sky was getting dark already. Time is 1 hr behind Singapore's. The streets were full of motorbikes. It's really scary. I don't think I would ever dare to cross the street alone because it is just not possible. To cross the road, think people actually biked it across! No one heeds the traffic lights, and they just squirm in and out as they like and sometimes against traffic too! Amazing. With that amount of traffic, of course it's polluted!
We were taken to a water puppet show, which was in Vietnamese. I was almost dozing off. Didn't think it was interesting enough to capture my attention but the concept was interesting in a sense. Puppets playing on water. Not an easy task.
Our dinner was on board a ship and there were vietnamese singing cantonese, chinese, korean songs. I guess the ship is more for tourists. I must say koreans are very enthu people. They danced and sing along and it was hilarious. Had the first of authentic vietnamese food. Not too bad except there's alot of friend stuff and I really didn't expect to see the snort and ears of the suckling pig presented to us for consumption. (Usually restaurants will remove them and just leave the meat around the body area.) The singers were constantly looking for guests to join them in the singing. Gin was asking me what song they were singing so I explained to her by singing along. Imagine my horror when the singer started advancing towards me. I quickly turned away. Gross. We finished our dinner and was waiting to head back to the coach and guess what, the ship started moving!! So we were kind of stuck with the crooning...
26 Nov (Day 2) - First destination was some temple. Then we took on a long drive to Mekong Delta. First we took a bigger boat in a group to a little island, where we were shown how coconut candies were made. Interesting. The people were fast! Then they try to psycho us to buy some tea which tasted weird in my opinion. We walked down the little street with makeshift stalls and I got a nice hot pink hammock. Hopefully can integrate into my new home! We were treated to fruits and I realised Vietnamese loves salt! And salt goes with everything. Best part, the salt is spicy.. Nice! We then take a mini boat ride. By mini it means 4 person max to a boat. Our captain (the front rower) was a granny looking lady and she was super fast and strong. She even caught up with the boat in front of us. I really admire her strength! Both physical and mental man... The boat ride was interesting. We went through narrow rivers with mangrove at the side. Along places which looked like crocs invested. Haha. Then the tiny river opened up to the sea where we came from. And we got on the bigger boat and headed back to the shore we came from.
Lunch was some elephant fish which was a delicacy. There's this meat which they served and tasted really good. I was happily eating when my bro said perhaps it's dog meat. I got a scare and puke out the whole thing. The worse part was at the restaurant, I actually saw dogs in cages and they looked half dead. I asked the tour guide if we were served dog meat and he said it can't be. Said dog meat was super expensive. To play safe, I didn't dare to eat any other meat during the trip. I really got scared. With Tasha's death, the incident somehow affected me more. Hai.
We headed to the presidential palace next, which really didn't look too fantastic. I am rather surprised it's not as grand as it should be. It looked rather retro and outdated, probably because they only had like 2 presidents before and that was a long time ago. The tour guide talked about the president with much dislike. Mentioning how corrupted they are.. well well. We visited a laquer making factory as well. Most of the employees there are handicapped. I'm shocked to find it's so much work to do up at art piece! Of cos Bangkok sells it cheaper but still, it's a really labour intensive job. Some had to be done using duck egg shells and they crushed it according to the art piece they are working on. So it's really time consuming.
We visited Notre Dame Cathedral and Old Saigon Post Office before heading for a dinner which served Hue Imperial Delicacies. It is a nice dinner actually, especially the last dish. This simple soup noodles. Once the chilli and lime were added, the taste was impressive! Thinking about it made my mouth water. Haha. The chilli was so spicy a drop of it would be more than sufficient. It's pretty scary stuff. But nonetheless, delicious!
Some of us went for massage after. I was shocked when the masseuse came. They were dressed in super short skirts at first glance then I realised there are tights beneath. But still, it looked sleazy to me. My session is more of a pinching session than massaging. I came back to the hotel feeling worse than ever. (Not forgetting my legs were still in pain so I went to check my ck levels!)
25 Nov (Day 1) - A maxi cab came for us for departure at Budget terminal. It was the first time I'm there and it's really budget. Kind of like the feeling of walking down the strip directly. Haha. What I'm apprehensive was, smaller planes tend to jerk harder in times of turbulence, but I'm REALLY GLAD that Tiger Airways had really good pilots. The pilot is hilarious the way he made his introduction. Somehow it made me relaxed a little. I've always had this fear about flight ever since the trip to Taiwan on China Airlines when the plane dropped for that few seconds! Gross.
Reached Ho Chi Minh at about 5pm their time. The sky was getting dark already. Time is 1 hr behind Singapore's. The streets were full of motorbikes. It's really scary. I don't think I would ever dare to cross the street alone because it is just not possible. To cross the road, think people actually biked it across! No one heeds the traffic lights, and they just squirm in and out as they like and sometimes against traffic too! Amazing. With that amount of traffic, of course it's polluted!
We were taken to a water puppet show, which was in Vietnamese. I was almost dozing off. Didn't think it was interesting enough to capture my attention but the concept was interesting in a sense. Puppets playing on water. Not an easy task.
Our dinner was on board a ship and there were vietnamese singing cantonese, chinese, korean songs. I guess the ship is more for tourists. I must say koreans are very enthu people. They danced and sing along and it was hilarious. Had the first of authentic vietnamese food. Not too bad except there's alot of friend stuff and I really didn't expect to see the snort and ears of the suckling pig presented to us for consumption. (Usually restaurants will remove them and just leave the meat around the body area.) The singers were constantly looking for guests to join them in the singing. Gin was asking me what song they were singing so I explained to her by singing along. Imagine my horror when the singer started advancing towards me. I quickly turned away. Gross. We finished our dinner and was waiting to head back to the coach and guess what, the ship started moving!! So we were kind of stuck with the crooning...
26 Nov (Day 2) - First destination was some temple. Then we took on a long drive to Mekong Delta. First we took a bigger boat in a group to a little island, where we were shown how coconut candies were made. Interesting. The people were fast! Then they try to psycho us to buy some tea which tasted weird in my opinion. We walked down the little street with makeshift stalls and I got a nice hot pink hammock. Hopefully can integrate into my new home! We were treated to fruits and I realised Vietnamese loves salt! And salt goes with everything. Best part, the salt is spicy.. Nice! We then take a mini boat ride. By mini it means 4 person max to a boat. Our captain (the front rower) was a granny looking lady and she was super fast and strong. She even caught up with the boat in front of us. I really admire her strength! Both physical and mental man... The boat ride was interesting. We went through narrow rivers with mangrove at the side. Along places which looked like crocs invested. Haha. Then the tiny river opened up to the sea where we came from. And we got on the bigger boat and headed back to the shore we came from.
Lunch was some elephant fish which was a delicacy. There's this meat which they served and tasted really good. I was happily eating when my bro said perhaps it's dog meat. I got a scare and puke out the whole thing. The worse part was at the restaurant, I actually saw dogs in cages and they looked half dead. I asked the tour guide if we were served dog meat and he said it can't be. Said dog meat was super expensive. To play safe, I didn't dare to eat any other meat during the trip. I really got scared. With Tasha's death, the incident somehow affected me more. Hai.
We headed to the presidential palace next, which really didn't look too fantastic. I am rather surprised it's not as grand as it should be. It looked rather retro and outdated, probably because they only had like 2 presidents before and that was a long time ago. The tour guide talked about the president with much dislike. Mentioning how corrupted they are.. well well. We visited a laquer making factory as well. Most of the employees there are handicapped. I'm shocked to find it's so much work to do up at art piece! Of cos Bangkok sells it cheaper but still, it's a really labour intensive job. Some had to be done using duck egg shells and they crushed it according to the art piece they are working on. So it's really time consuming.
We visited Notre Dame Cathedral and Old Saigon Post Office before heading for a dinner which served Hue Imperial Delicacies. It is a nice dinner actually, especially the last dish. This simple soup noodles. Once the chilli and lime were added, the taste was impressive! Thinking about it made my mouth water. Haha. The chilli was so spicy a drop of it would be more than sufficient. It's pretty scary stuff. But nonetheless, delicious!
Some of us went for massage after. I was shocked when the masseuse came. They were dressed in super short skirts at first glance then I realised there are tights beneath. But still, it looked sleazy to me. My session is more of a pinching session than massaging. I came back to the hotel feeling worse than ever. (Not forgetting my legs were still in pain so I went to check my ck levels!)
The missing days Part 1 - 22 to 25 Nov
So I haven't been updating my daily activities as promised. I shall try to recap the dates that were lost!
22 Nov - I have no idea what I did. It was a Sunday and that's as much as I know it!
23 Nov - This was a busy day. I went for a movie with my parents. Watch 2012 at JP and my dad fell asleep at the beginning. Thought the whole show was really scary. The effects are devastating and the imagery is certainly not what I was expecting. Imagine the world ending this way in 3 years. That would be horrifying. It's a little like looking at the 911 incident. Helplessness. Nonetheless, it's a rather good show to watch I must say.
Went to Chee Hoe for a urine test after. Realised my legs have been rather sore for days, such that I couldn't even bend. I had ran a few times, but it's taking too long to heal. Initially wanted to take both blood test (for my ck levels) and urine test (just in case my kidneys are really damaged), but I got there late and blood samples cannot be taken. So took just for kidneys and I am glad to know that they are in proper care.
Headed down to WY's place for soup. His mum was nice enough to cook soup for me. For you know..women soup to assist in bb-making. Hahaha. Then headed down to Jap class. I had missed a week's of class and went down half an hour earlier for speedy make up. And the actual class after. Monday night is not my usual lesson and this teacher is really intensive! I have never spoken that much in my entire course with Nagai Sensei (saturday class)! It's kind of stressful but it's good in a sense. By the time I completed the class I was overwhelmed. It was like 2 lessons in 3 hrs. Peng.
24 Nov - Went brunch with my parents at West Mall. Usual hangout place Mayim. Then met JJ at 1pm at Sakae. It's scary cos I was really gorging myself. Haha. Food after food. Had a nice chat with her. Been quite long since we talked like this. Wanted to head down to the clinic to take blood and I realised I was too late again. The despatch left and blood samples cannot be kept! Wasted. So went down to collect the camera from ZM's place and I saw his twin nieces! Damn cute!!!!! I am so inspired to have twins. They are so adorable.. lucky ZM. Now he has 3 nieces to take care of. Hahaha. Now I shall go find out how to get twins... maybe there's some way or something to customized them. Hohoho.
Headed down to WY's place for a short while before going down to Cityhall to meet Cui. Before that I got her gift from Swarovski. Haha. Nice I think. We had quite a long talk. Had a better idea on her marriage and I'm looking forward to her house-warming! She said it's arty farty and I have no doubt it's gonna be fantastic!
25 Nov - The Primary School called and requested that I head down for a short interview at 845am today. I mentioned I would be flying off for Vietnam but the lady sort of insisted. She said I could come early so I can start on time. Gin followed along since she was staying with me on Thursday. We reached at 830am, imagine my shock when I saw the principal driving off. Next I was told that in the principal's absence, the vice-principal (who is holding the interview) has to attend a meeting she was supposed to go. So I waited...and waited.. and finally.. got my interview 1 hr 15 mins later. Gross. And before that I told the coordinator I was in a hurry and she said if I was busy, I could just skip the interview. Peng! Interview lasted less than 10 mins. At that point I was thinking, if the management couldn't deal with this, how would the children learn since no effective examples were set. Guobin was the third interviewee and he mentioned they could have called to ask him to come a little later. But well, judging from the speed of the interview, it really shouldn't take long. Tsk Tsk. Had to take a cab down to really take the blood test next. Waste of money and time! And CH was nice enough to make the process a painless one. Hah. Vietnam next!
22 Nov - I have no idea what I did. It was a Sunday and that's as much as I know it!
23 Nov - This was a busy day. I went for a movie with my parents. Watch 2012 at JP and my dad fell asleep at the beginning. Thought the whole show was really scary. The effects are devastating and the imagery is certainly not what I was expecting. Imagine the world ending this way in 3 years. That would be horrifying. It's a little like looking at the 911 incident. Helplessness. Nonetheless, it's a rather good show to watch I must say.
Went to Chee Hoe for a urine test after. Realised my legs have been rather sore for days, such that I couldn't even bend. I had ran a few times, but it's taking too long to heal. Initially wanted to take both blood test (for my ck levels) and urine test (just in case my kidneys are really damaged), but I got there late and blood samples cannot be taken. So took just for kidneys and I am glad to know that they are in proper care.
Headed down to WY's place for soup. His mum was nice enough to cook soup for me. For you know..women soup to assist in bb-making. Hahaha. Then headed down to Jap class. I had missed a week's of class and went down half an hour earlier for speedy make up. And the actual class after. Monday night is not my usual lesson and this teacher is really intensive! I have never spoken that much in my entire course with Nagai Sensei (saturday class)! It's kind of stressful but it's good in a sense. By the time I completed the class I was overwhelmed. It was like 2 lessons in 3 hrs. Peng.
24 Nov - Went brunch with my parents at West Mall. Usual hangout place Mayim. Then met JJ at 1pm at Sakae. It's scary cos I was really gorging myself. Haha. Food after food. Had a nice chat with her. Been quite long since we talked like this. Wanted to head down to the clinic to take blood and I realised I was too late again. The despatch left and blood samples cannot be kept! Wasted. So went down to collect the camera from ZM's place and I saw his twin nieces! Damn cute!!!!! I am so inspired to have twins. They are so adorable.. lucky ZM. Now he has 3 nieces to take care of. Hahaha. Now I shall go find out how to get twins... maybe there's some way or something to customized them. Hohoho.
Headed down to WY's place for a short while before going down to Cityhall to meet Cui. Before that I got her gift from Swarovski. Haha. Nice I think. We had quite a long talk. Had a better idea on her marriage and I'm looking forward to her house-warming! She said it's arty farty and I have no doubt it's gonna be fantastic!
25 Nov - The Primary School called and requested that I head down for a short interview at 845am today. I mentioned I would be flying off for Vietnam but the lady sort of insisted. She said I could come early so I can start on time. Gin followed along since she was staying with me on Thursday. We reached at 830am, imagine my shock when I saw the principal driving off. Next I was told that in the principal's absence, the vice-principal (who is holding the interview) has to attend a meeting she was supposed to go. So I waited...and waited.. and finally.. got my interview 1 hr 15 mins later. Gross. And before that I told the coordinator I was in a hurry and she said if I was busy, I could just skip the interview. Peng! Interview lasted less than 10 mins. At that point I was thinking, if the management couldn't deal with this, how would the children learn since no effective examples were set. Guobin was the third interviewee and he mentioned they could have called to ask him to come a little later. But well, judging from the speed of the interview, it really shouldn't take long. Tsk Tsk. Had to take a cab down to really take the blood test next. Waste of money and time! And CH was nice enough to make the process a painless one. Hah. Vietnam next!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
And I am back!
30 Nov - So I am back from Vietnam. Shall update the post about the trip at a later date.
Woke up early and wanted to confirm the interview timing with the company. The coordinator called when I was in Vietnam and requested that I replied the email, and I did so almost immediately. Can see how eager I was right.
Went for brunch with my parents at IMM's Ah Mei. Walked around Daiso after that. So many things to buy for Christmas decorations. And I have finally got an idea what to get for WY. Shall go scouting tomorrow!
My dad drove me down to the interview location after. Had a chat with the Designer, quite a nice guy but I really flunked when he asked me how much I know about the brand. I know, I should have found out. They have lots of brand under them. But I thought he was the designer of another brand I was familiar with. But well, he showed me a brochure and I thought the apparel was fantastic! Anyhow, I'm just hoping they will take me. Fingers-crossed!
Went for dinner with my parents and my maternal aunt at this restaurant called Vanilla Pod. It's located right inside Mandai Orchid Gardens. Quite a nice place. Shall go with WY when he comes back! The steak is highly recommended. Seemed like it's my youngest aunt's 10 year anniversary of marriage. So envy to see them so blissful. With their 3 kids, it's really amazing. And they gave us a treat too! It's weird that we are celebrating with them. Quite extra. Hahaha.
Took the initiative to upload the pics for the Vietnam trip. Not too bad eh.. Hah. I got the approval from WY to shop! So ASOS. Here I come!
Woke up early and wanted to confirm the interview timing with the company. The coordinator called when I was in Vietnam and requested that I replied the email, and I did so almost immediately. Can see how eager I was right.
Went for brunch with my parents at IMM's Ah Mei. Walked around Daiso after that. So many things to buy for Christmas decorations. And I have finally got an idea what to get for WY. Shall go scouting tomorrow!
My dad drove me down to the interview location after. Had a chat with the Designer, quite a nice guy but I really flunked when he asked me how much I know about the brand. I know, I should have found out. They have lots of brand under them. But I thought he was the designer of another brand I was familiar with. But well, he showed me a brochure and I thought the apparel was fantastic! Anyhow, I'm just hoping they will take me. Fingers-crossed!
Went for dinner with my parents and my maternal aunt at this restaurant called Vanilla Pod. It's located right inside Mandai Orchid Gardens. Quite a nice place. Shall go with WY when he comes back! The steak is highly recommended. Seemed like it's my youngest aunt's 10 year anniversary of marriage. So envy to see them so blissful. With their 3 kids, it's really amazing. And they gave us a treat too! It's weird that we are celebrating with them. Quite extra. Hahaha.
Took the initiative to upload the pics for the Vietnam trip. Not too bad eh.. Hah. I got the approval from WY to shop! So ASOS. Here I come!