今天是外婆生日 我换上复古西装
车里放着她的最爱 找回属于是她的时代
外婆她脸上的涟漪 美丽但藏不住压抑
推动了爱情只盼望亲情 弥补回应
一天到晚拼了命 赚钱少了关怀有什么意义
外婆她的期待 慢慢变成无奈 大人们始终不明白
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百块 比你给的还简单
外婆的无奈 无法变成期待 只有爱才能够明白
走在淡水河衅 听着她的最爱 把温暖放回口袋
记得去年外婆的生日 表哥带我和外婆参加
她最最重视的颁奖典礼 结果却拿不到半个奖
不知该笑不笑 我对着镜头傻笑 只觉得自己可笑
我难过 却不是因为没有得奖而难过
我失落 是因为看到外婆失落而失落 大人们根本不能体会
表哥他的用心 好像随他们高兴就可以彻底的否定
否定 我的作品 决定在于心情
没惊喜没有改变 我已经听了三年
我告诉外婆 我没输 不需要改变
表哥说不要觉得可惜 这只是一场游戏
只要外婆觉得好听 那才是一种鼓励
浅浅的笑容 就让我感到比得奖它还要光荣
Was taking the train back from Amore yesterday when I sudddenly thought about my grandparents. I remembered the time my grandpa used to take me for piano lessons and he would wait 45 mins outside the piano teacher's house then he would bring me back to granny house again. He might sometimes take me to the hawker centre for breakfast and he would tell his friends that he was taking me for piano lessons should anyone ask. I remembered my granny used to come my place to stay overnight and I would definitely love for her to come and stay again. Occasionally my grandpa would fetch my cousin to my place for playtime if I was unable to visit. My granny would take me to the market and she would buy me goodies...and that was the part I looked forward to every market trip.
Suddenly, all these seemed damn far away. I was really close to them when I was young. Brought up by them since my parents had to work. I'm not sure how long it has been since I drifted. Althought I still make it a habit to visit them once every week. My grandpa can't travel. The furthest he can go is around the neighbourhood, usually sitting at the void deck where he thought was cooler. My granny only visits church and sometimes she gets so tired she doesn't go at all. Sometimes I think about them and I feel so guilty. It's like I made them old by not spending time with them. Is that what happens when people grow up?
I wish they were younger again. Those were the carefree and happy days.
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