Friday, February 24, 2006

My hair!

Not sure when I started the hair frenzy. I remembered always paying loads just to spice up my hair. Yeah, literally spicing up. The texture is almost damaged. Haha.

Used to think ppl who colour their hair are ppl who follow the crowd, not having a mindset of their own. Guess what, I followed the crowd, but my mindset had a different view. A more colourful and bold way of expressing myself.

Initally the colouring was not that bad. Was a redhead in AJC, first three months. Became totally black for the 2 years in SAJC. After that, it was brown, just different shades. Common colour amongst girls my age.

The boldest probably came when I was in sports club. It was red, then it was pink, then it was red, then it was partial blond. I became ladybug, mushroom head, buttercup, then finally Zee. I guess Zee may perhaps be a noun for someone who needs excitment all the time. Hah. That's me. Change, to me, is the only constant.

Went and got a hair cut on Wednesday. Really a hair cut. Sometimes ppl see me and say I waste money cutting hair, cos the trimmings is not obvious at all! This time my hair is short, but not as short. I look guai actually, cept for the haircolour. Right now I have another nick. My mom calls the hairdo feather duster. I called it a lion's mane. My dad calls it, "so colourful". I seriously don't like it. The red-orange streaks is just not me. What the hell was the guy thinking? Orange?!!! It doesn't go with pink, red, blue or green! At least red or pink looks funkier! Hai.

Wenyao took me to ntu to make up for the numbers for the Shiseido talk. Reminds me of Sports camp! I felt so wierd the moment I walked into NTU's SRC. I look like a total wierdo. Everyone there has black hair! Worse is three girls (I presume year 1s) in their TaeKwonDo suit looking like I was someone who just came from Mars. You shouldn't seen their eyes. SO BIG!

Maybe it's a different culture. Told wenyao I must have looked pretty bimbotic when I walked into the seminar room where the talk was held. A nearly blond (and orange streaks) girl, holding a pink sweater. How bimbo can that get? Hai. Sure as hell, he agreed. Laughed out so loud when I started painting him the picture. Gross.

I feel so old when I walked into NTU. The girls with their eyes SO BIG looked so much younger. Like little girls..I am so old already. Hair still so havoc. Come to think of it, I probably have another nick. Lao Auntie.



Anonymous said...

Hiya... Still cannot beat this Uncle here la... =)

Anonymous said...

post some pics leh