Thursday, September 02, 2004


Isn't is amazing how much people change over the years?
Or how much we actually don't change?

This is already my third year in NUS, and frankly speaking I think I still behave like I did in year 1. But somehow I'm not sure if the others felt I changed. Well, my enthusiasm did died down abit...unfortunately...and my character i guess is somewhat molded after sports club and sports camp. But seriously do hope that I'm still the person I used to be. I mean the positive side lar...negative side of cos must change.

Saw this guy walking past me juz now. Used to think he was extremely broken wrist although he looked tall and mature. When he was a freshie he looked like a freshie, then now he looked so senior you know. Kinda like the sissy-ness all gone with the years of academia torture in NUS. So wierd.

Next I saw another girl, same year. Funnily, she looked year 1 still. This is so wierd.

I wonder how I look to the rest?

Realise I don't crap as much. I'm so like serious now which I totally hate. But i guess the world forces you to be serious about stuffs as you grow older. (wanted to use the word 'aged', but I guess 21 is still too early rite?? rite??) I wish I don't have to grow old. But I vividly remembered wanting to grow up when I was younger and my mom would just gloat at me. She was evil then, but now she's not. haha.

I wish to be daddy's girl all the time. Don't want anything to change really. But daddy's growing old and his girl don't want to grow up. That's the problem!

I guess it's this fear of what if.
What if I won't be as successful as my parents.
What if they just leave me in a few years time.
What if I can't find a job.
What if my job is dead and boring.
What if I married the wrong guy.
What if I'm not happy.
What if I can't bear kids.

Not very duh questions I should say. They are facets of life. Staring straight at me man. This is totally grossed out.

Yeah what to do. Guess it's just part of growing up. Erm...they used to call that adolescent. Pretty late for me right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

think you shdnt tink so much!!!future no eyes to see mah! (so duh) but really la...juz make use of everyday now ba! :) hmm i tink u become more serious?! hee hee!!! still as lame n perhaps more lame (esp after that incident?!) :P