all grown up
Sunday 22/08/04
went to my granny's place today..
been a while since i went there..
went to church at the old place too..
haha...surprisingly they still remembered me.
decided to spend quality time with my little cousins..
not sure when was the last time i actually played with them..
the old routine was...go granny's place...have with cousins...
think ever since ning's death i stopped somehow..
it became...lunch, sleep, and gone.
the little kiddies have all grown up..
think the last time i remembered looking at them feeling elated was at my birthday in march..
and i didn't even played with them...haa.
first leader of the pack was gin aka "look wad i have"
then was sheanne..aka..."big sister big"
then comes to ziqin...aka..."touch me and i'll @#$^&%!"
next is little keanne..aka..."lost kid"
then the littlest one...zidane....aka "food!" aka "ooh...time to play!"
i used to be the leader of the pack too...until i grew up...
i was the 2nd is they are the third...
hai..the 2nd generation are all grown up...but i dun feel any much elder.
my aunt (in law) was commenting the first time she saw me i was like them now..
like doing girly stuffs and colouring...which i was helping them
then she said and suddenly i grew up..
started giving me a massage and ask me to relax..
wierd feeling... felt abit of nostalgia though...good n bad at the same time
then all the kids came and we had our share of fun...
jumping onto one another and little zidane came over as well..
not knowing wad he was getting in to..
until he rolled down the bed..
glad he wasn't hurt though and everybody started cracking up..
and me like a little kid =)
my monkey cousin vernon (2nd generation) joined us as well...
haha...he made me love boys really..
we fight together all the time..
but it was friendly..
although we get bruises all the time..
but laughters too!
not sure why i'm writing them down..
but i guess in a few years time...i'll really see them in a different light..
they'll be grown up and soon to be like me..
hmm..that'll really be sad..
cos they will lose that fun they used to have like what they had today..
sometimes i wish if ning was here things would be so much easier..
maybe nothing would be change...but i guess it did
and the scar remains..
it has been 3 years..
really long... not sure how it would be if she was here right now...
think she'll be really happy if she was at my birthday party..
her fav color was pink...and i used to diss her for being so girly
yupz...maybe the reason sometimes i'm shunning from my family is because something was amiss..
but i guess i still managed to retained that that there's little zidane...i guess things aren't so bad for their family... yup...that's all i wanted to say...shall post their pics around if i can find them though...but think i only have qin's pic though...haha...pretty ger i must say...fiery hair and temper..haha
alrite time to sleep..
long week ahead..