Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Longest Journey Ever

I took a cab today,
Through a taxi call-line.
The location was clear,
But the driver was a million steps away,
It was the longest journey ever.

The interior was cold and musty,
Trapped in a hollow of misery.
Medicated oil stank the air,
I rolled the windows down,
It was the longest journey ever.

Thoughts of the day thundered.
A meaningless day at work(?)
A fulfilling time at the office(?)
What's to ponder, what's to feel.
It was the longest journey ever.

The wind blew in,
Fiercely discouraging, entangling my being.
Living a purposeful life,
Is what I hope in plenty.
It will be the longest journey ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poet wannabe, nice try on this entry. I give 5/10, 2 marks for no bombastic england, 2 marks for not mentioning me, 1 mark cos i am bias.

Don't paint your life in this gloomy color. The Lord has promised good to you, you haven get hold of the many promise he gave.