Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I hate disappointments. Not any disappointments, just stuffs which are said to be done and not done. The funny thing that I realised about disappointments is that, I tend to piss the disappointer (person who disappoints), when I'm the disappointee (person who kenna disappointment). This is so hugely unfair.

So here are the 7 pointers to note:

1) No last minute changes. Please, I got to have time to plan other stuff. I cannot sit still, so don't expect me to sit at home and sulk while you disappoint.

2) Plan ahead. To the disappointer, plan ahead before you give more disappointments. Saves alot of things, say, a relationship.

3) Learn from mistakes. One disappointment is enough, SERIOUSLY!

4) Quit trying to victimise yourself. If you are the disappointer, you are the person at fault. So don't be angry at anyone, esp. not the disappointee (she's the victim here mind you).

5) Disappointee tends to be less reasonable after series of disappointments. In case you don't know, this is usually the case. Quit trying to ask for more understanding when all she gets are disappointments after disappointments, all because she is understanding. Care and understanding will be the last things on her mind.

6) If you disappoint people, make up for it. Please. Take for grantedness is a nono. Humans are not saints, they feel bad emotions.

7) Non-chalance comes at a price. Too much disappointments!


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