Sunday, August 12, 2012

Isn't it strange?

A little poem from church today:

Isn't It Strange?

Isn't it strange, that princes and kings, 
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
and common-folk like you and me, 
are builders for eternity?


To each is given a bag of tools,
a shapeless mass and a Book of Rules;
and each must make 'ere time has flown,
a stumbling block or a stepping stone.

-- R.L. Sharpe, "A bag of tools," circa 1809

Few takeaways: 

A) True disciples are marked not merely by their steadfastness, but by the responsibility with which they guard others from stumbling. 

B) True disciples at not marked merely by their righteousness, but by the magnanimity with which they forgive unrighteousness. 

C) True disciples are marked not merely by their service, but by the humility with which they serve. 

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