Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Why I can't compete

I have no answer to that seriously, but I just fear competition. I work best through alienation, which means you put me in a corner and I just put in my best. Working WITH people to determine who's the best always jeopardize my position. Not too sure if it's the stress, but probably I thought I lost even before the race/competition starts.

Came across this little read today.

We're all running a race. 
But it isn't what you might imagine.
We don't have the same starting line.
The same distance to go. 
The same steps to take. 
Our finish lines are even in different places.
You see, my friend, we're not running on a track--
we're each running on a one-lane path.
In the Kingdom, there's no such thing as competition.
It's impossible.
Because no one else ever has or ever will run your race.
So go for it, my friend, be strong, brave, beautiful YOU all the way to the end. 
{Psst, here's a secret: You've already won.}

Funny how the phrases in blue spoke to me.

I just came back from a Cranberries concert. Few things that got me today:

1) Why would such a cool band call themselves "cranberries"?
2) The moment I said I was going to a cranberries concert, I somehow divulged my age
3) Dolores O'Riordan is 40 this year!
4) I actually remembered most of the songs from their album "No need to argue"
5) It is a MUST to stand up and jive to the music at a concert, sitting will just put you in an awkward position while you jive, it's like a half-fucked grooving.

Next up! Paramore concert. WY's favourite! It'll be a standing "seat"!

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