Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thou shalt start blogging again...

Realised I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I love to write, that's why English is my favourite subject. I was shuffling through some old folders on my comp recently, and came across articles and papers I wrote during school time. It alarmed me when I finished reading them. I like how I write, or rather used to write. Sad!

It's amazing how 2 years seem to pass so fast. I lost some abilities and I gained some. But I do hope the interest in writing is not waning. I shall start blogging again for a start. Typing is way better than manually writing. Haha.

Just came back from a Taiwan trip this week. Places are interesting enough, but the tour is really bad. By tour I refer to the package which we took, the tour guide was horrible. I shall not delve further. But on a sidenote, I've decided to write in a feedback letter just to highlight my hem...displeasures.

I read my last entry and to follow up on the vegan thing. Yes, I did last one week, and even better I lasted a month, eating only veg and fish plus minimal seafoods. Hah. I'm a pseudo vegan, and I want to try keeping it that way. Bad thing about it, I realised I end up eating the same food over and over again, it got quite sick but I persisted. Until I went Taiwan. OMG. There had been a flood recently, and all the crops are submerged. Turned out veg became more expensive than meat, and there was lots of meat. I had to eat some...well, I think I ate too much. Hah, but seriously, it's difficult to be a vegan in Singapore. But I shall try!!!

Well, just to update what I've been doing. I guessed it's all still the same. Good and bad, but I'm beginning to be pretty rooted to what I am doing currently. Weekends are spend heading out, or watching shows or just bumming around. Funny thing is I like it! It's the pure pleasure of a hard week's work!

Work's been the same. Some good some bad. My colleague is leaving me. Seems like every year end is a time for departure. And everyone I'm good at leaves or left. OMG, is it me or the job?! Hohoho.

Alrite, my shows are loaded, I will try to blog interesting stuff again! Although I suspect I'm the only one reading it. Hah!