Thursday, November 22, 2007

My other half

I realised most of the blogs I read referred their other half to dear, darling, etc etc. I thought back and found it weird I've never reflected Wenyao in any of my writings in a beloved-meaning tag. Hah, but I realised in my everyday speech, I've called him loads of stuffs besides Wenyao. I remembered once I called out his name, and he looked at me as if I've just spouted vulgarities to him. Then he blankly asked me why I called his name. Funny yah, give "name calling" to a whole new level.

He has loads of names in my dictionary. I call him Hubby, Dear, Papa (my future kid's father). Not forgetting the Oie and Wei's of course.

I guess I just find it weird to pen a tag for him, of cos assuming everyone who reads my blog already know who he is.

I've been experiencing some deaths recently. Got me thinking about what I'm gonna do if my other half goes before me, or vice versa. I'm not a person who deal openly with death. I may seem OK, but I know subconsciously I'm always grieving, and grieving way too long and in too much in denial to want to know it.

So I've thought up a plan. I shall plan the grieving process for my other half. And I hope my other half will do it for me too. *hint hint* My other half told me he doesn't need the stuff which I'm planning, but just in case. I do hope I get it if he should pass before me, because technically I thought of it because I need it!

Anyways, the plan is this. I shall write the stuff which I feel ought to be remembered, and pen them in entries so that after my death, my other half can read it. I think the worse part of losing someone is the loneliness that follow, so by reading what I wrote about us, it could be way easier in dealing grieve on your own. Albiet, to some, it might sound pretty spooky. Haha, but I think that should work for me. Of course, I'll probably slots comments on grieving in between to aid in the process.

Of course, this will only work if I live enough to write entries fit for a 6-month read (my targeted healthy grieving period) So, I shall start planning now!

Such a great idea, I think I'm a genius!

P/S: WY, please start writing after your exam...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My dad is a cheapo, but wenyao is worse..

Was working diligently today until an email popped up at my workplace. I'm seriously diligently working!! Especially since Zhiyuan (aka FJJ) is out for 2 weeks on reservist, and I practially have no one to suan...

Well, back to the email. It was from my dad...subject: Xmas gift and it reads...

Message Classification: Restricted

I have requested CPF Board for waiver of education loan repayment to be made by you. This is the acknowledgement number

Transaction Description
Transaction No. #######
Waiver of Education Loan Repayment #######

My mom was CC-ed in the email, so I sent a reply back



After which my mom replied with this.

Such a big X'mas Gift..................
Where is mine?

On seeing this, I helped her reply.

Mummy wants an LV bag. 1000 bucks. 30 years of marriage, that’s $33 per year.. cheap purchase. hahaha.

My dad's turn.

You already have me....... So greedy.............

This time my turn.

She has you but not reaping anything... you are like a plant but not bearing fruits... So the bag can be your fruit...
Anyway this one not considered xmas gift. You already said to be fair to me and bro you will pay our school fees, so technically I paid you extra for the one year! Total $2000!!! You can actually buy her 2 LV bag with that money!

Anyway my extra 200 bucks will be transferred to you still every month, not to CPF but to your personal account, because somebody just asked me to pay for all phone in a way, that's your xmas gift! And you can transfer that to her xmas bag...

All in all..i'm still the one paying for your gift to her.. so if you really want to give me a gift, you can throw in one LV bag for me as well. Small gift for 400 per month leh!!! Multiply by 12, you get4800!!! =)

OK so one LV bag for me, another one for mummy. Deal!

Mummy, we can go shopping soon!!!

After my long long email, this is his final reply...

No a big deal. I will give each of u a L(ess) V(aluable) Bag.

Me: (-_-''')

When wenyao and Jiajun came and fetch me from work, they had already heard part of the story from Uncle Raymond, whom they met outside my office, while on his way to dinner. So Wenyao was laughing away at my dad's answer.

When we went home after meeting Zeming at Ikea for dinner, he planted this as his msn nick.

I'm so glad my gf wants an LV bag (since it doesn't cost much to buy a Low Value bag) dad say less value, he said low...OMG!

Anyway I realised I forgot to put an important person in my Xmas list. Shitty!

My dad bought tickets for the Disney Live Mickey Magic Show at the indoor stadium for my kiddy cousins. Will be bringing 5 of them for the 330pm show this Fri. So exciting!!! Can't believe how my parents and I are going to handle 5 kids together! Gin (11), Sheanne (8), Keanne (5) Zidane (4) and Kai-ann (2). Bah! We are so adventurous!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Wake

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
A human soul, wrecked body, apart.
Tears aflowing, wailing chimes,
Give and take, it all began.

Footsteps heavy, towards the wood,
A log carved out, a figure put.
A Mother's cry, a Brother's grief,
And Father's heart breaking in between.

Friends gathered, 12 long years,
Hellos exchanged, rootless words.
Awkward silence fill the air,
Smiles and shares to break the scare.

Time to go, and time to grow,
Who's to know 24 was his foe.
Goodbyes said in a hasty pace,
But memories and feelings will remain.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thou shalt start blogging again...

Realised I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I love to write, that's why English is my favourite subject. I was shuffling through some old folders on my comp recently, and came across articles and papers I wrote during school time. It alarmed me when I finished reading them. I like how I write, or rather used to write. Sad!

It's amazing how 2 years seem to pass so fast. I lost some abilities and I gained some. But I do hope the interest in writing is not waning. I shall start blogging again for a start. Typing is way better than manually writing. Haha.

Just came back from a Taiwan trip this week. Places are interesting enough, but the tour is really bad. By tour I refer to the package which we took, the tour guide was horrible. I shall not delve further. But on a sidenote, I've decided to write in a feedback letter just to highlight my hem...displeasures.

I read my last entry and to follow up on the vegan thing. Yes, I did last one week, and even better I lasted a month, eating only veg and fish plus minimal seafoods. Hah. I'm a pseudo vegan, and I want to try keeping it that way. Bad thing about it, I realised I end up eating the same food over and over again, it got quite sick but I persisted. Until I went Taiwan. OMG. There had been a flood recently, and all the crops are submerged. Turned out veg became more expensive than meat, and there was lots of meat. I had to eat some...well, I think I ate too much. Hah, but seriously, it's difficult to be a vegan in Singapore. But I shall try!!!

Well, just to update what I've been doing. I guessed it's all still the same. Good and bad, but I'm beginning to be pretty rooted to what I am doing currently. Weekends are spend heading out, or watching shows or just bumming around. Funny thing is I like it! It's the pure pleasure of a hard week's work!

Work's been the same. Some good some bad. My colleague is leaving me. Seems like every year end is a time for departure. And everyone I'm good at leaves or left. OMG, is it me or the job?! Hohoho.

Alrite, my shows are loaded, I will try to blog interesting stuff again! Although I suspect I'm the only one reading it. Hah!